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引用本文:邹丽颖,范玲. 瘢痕子宫孕妇孕中晚期引产的方法探讨[J]. 中华妇产科杂志, 2010, 45(1). DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.0529-567x.2010.01.006
作者姓名:邹丽颖  范玲
摘    要:目的 探讨瘢痕子宫孕妇孕中晚期引产的适宜方法.方法 选择2002年9月-2009年6月在首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院因医疗指征于孕中晚期引产的瘢痕子宫孕妇共90例,引产指征为胎儿畸形、严重妊娠并发症、胎死宫内.其中,孕中期72例,孕晚期18例;距离前次子宫手术的间隔时间<2年20例,≥2年70例.肝功能正常者服用米非司酮,并行利凡诺过敏试验,阴性者首选利凡诺羊膜腔注射引产法;试验阳性、羊水过少、孕周过小、利凡诺羊膜腔注射困难或注射失败者采用卡前列甲酯(卡孕栓)引产法.共有54例孕妇采用利凡诺引产(利凡诺组),36例孕妇采用卡孕栓引产(卡孕栓组).(1)记录两组孕妇入院时情况,包括年龄、孕周、孕次、产次;(2)前次导致子宫瘢痕的手术种类、手术方法、有无并发症、前次手术间隔时间;(3)此次妊娠的引产方法,并记录孕妇用药至宫缩发动的时间,用药至胎儿娩出的时间;(4)产后出血量,胎盘滞留率,引产成功率,有无子宫破裂及行全子宫切除术等情况.结果 (1)利凡诺组与卡孕栓组孕妇的年龄、孕次、产次、距前次子宫手术间隔时间比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).但两组孕妇的引产孕周比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).(2)两组孕妇引产的成功率及产后出血量比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但卡孕栓组孕妇引产用药后宫缩发动的时间及分娩时间明显短于利凡诺组,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);卡孕栓组孕妇24 h内分娩率达到94%(34/36),明显高于利凡诺组的13%(7/54),两组分别比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01).(3)卡孕栓组孕妇胎盘滞留率(31%,11/35)明显高于利凡诺组(10%,5/52);而利凡诺组胎盘胎膜残留率(54%,28/52)明显高于卡孕栓组(34%,12/35),两组分别比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01).但两组孕妇总的产时并发症发生率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).不良事件发生与前次子宫手术间隔时间的关系分析显示,<2年的孕妇在胎盘滞留、胎盘胎膜残留、胎盘早剥、子宫破裂、产后出血的发生率分别与≥2年的孕妇比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).(4)卡孕栓组孕妇中有1例发生子宫破裂,利凡诺组孕妇中有1例宫缩发动1 h后发生胎盘早剥.结论 对瘢痕子宫孕妇于孕中晚期应用利凡诺羊膜腔注射引产和卡孕栓阴道用药引产均是可行的,但需在充分的术前准备及严密监护下进行,以警惕子宫破裂的发生.

关 键 词:子宫  瘢痕  妊娠中期  妊娠末期  引产  依沙吖啶  卡波前列素  栓剂

Induced termination of second and third trimester pregnancy in women with scarred uterus
ZOU Li-ying,FAN Ling. Induced termination of second and third trimester pregnancy in women with scarred uterus[J]. Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2010, 45(1). DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.0529-567x.2010.01.006
Authors:ZOU Li-ying  FAN Ling
Abstract:Objective To investigate the suitable mode of induced termination of pregnancy at second and third trimester for women with scarred uterus. Methods A retrospective study was performed in 90 cases of second and third trimester pregnant women with scarred uterus, who requested termination of pregnancy due to medical indications in Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital from September 2002 to June 2009. The indications of termination of pregnancy were fetal anomaly, serious pregnant complication and intrauterine fetal deaths. 72 second trimester pregnant women and 18 third trimester pregnant women were included in this study. The interval time of previous operation to this pregnancy were recorded. And it was <2 years in 20 cases and ≥2 years in 70 cases. The patients with normal Hepatic function began to take mifepristone and had an allergic test of Ethacridine Lactate. The method of mifepristone combined with Ethacridine Lactate were adopted when the allergic test was negative (group A, 54 cases). The method of mifepristone combined with earbeprost methylate suppositories were used in the patients who had a positive reaction to the allergic test of Ethacridine Lactate, or who failed to amniotomy to inject Ethacridine Lactate because of oligohydramnios or small gestational age(group B, 36 cases). Record the detail information of every patient. (1) Age, gestational weeks, gravidity and parity. (2) The mode of previous operation (inducing the scar of uterus), previous operation time and indication. (3) The mode of induced labor in this pregnancy, the interval time from administration to uterine contraction, delivery or not and the interval time from induction to delivery. (4) Postpartum hemorrhage, the successful rate of induce labor, placental retention ratio and rupture of uterus or not. Results (1) It had no significant difference between group A and group B in age, gravidity, parity and the interval time of previous operation to this pregnancy (P> 0.05). But there was significant difference between two groups in gestational weeks of induction(16 weeks vs. 25 weeks,P<0.01). (2) It had no significant difference between two groups in successful rate of induction and postpartum hemorrhage(P>0.05), but the time from induction to regular uterine contraction and delivery in group B was significant shorter than that of group A(P<0.01). The rate of delivery with 24 hours in group B was 94%. It was significant higher than that of group A(13%, P<0.01). (3) The rate of retained placenta in group B (31%, 11/35) was significant higher than group A (10%, 5/52), but the ratio of residual of placenta and membranes in group A was significant higher than that of group B(54% vs. 34% ). It was no significant difference in total rate of postpartum complication between two groups. Further analysis was done in relationship of complication and the time of previous operation. It was no significant difference between the over 2 years group and the less 2 years group in the incidence rate of complications including placental retention, residual of placenta and membranes, rupture of uterus, placental abruption and postpartum hemorrhage. (4) There was 1 case of uterine rupture in group B and 1 case of placental abruption in group A. Conclusions Both of methods of mifepristone combined with carboprost methylate suppositories and the mifepristone combined with Ethacridine lactate are feasible to induced second trimester and late trimester termination of pregnancy for women with scarred uterus. But sufficient preoperation preparation and the course of induction and labor careful monitoring must be done to prevent the uterine rupture.
Keywords:Uterus  Cicatrix  Pregnancy trimester,second  Pregnancy trimester,third  Labor,induced  Ethacridine  Carbeprost  Suppositories
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