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引用本文:郭洪菊,陈华,罗磊,王娟. 绵阳市学龄前儿童及家长口腔健康知信行现状调查[J]. 中国妇幼保健, 2013, 28(17): 2758-2760
作者姓名:郭洪菊  陈华  罗磊  王娟
作者单位:四川省绵阳市疾病预防控制中心结核病与慢性病预防控制所 621000
摘    要:目的:了解绵阳地区儿童口腔卫生习惯及其家长对口腔健康知识的知晓情况、口腔健康相关态度和行为。方法:选取绵阳市游仙区、涪城区及江油市3个区(市)幼儿园的792名儿童家长进行自填式问卷调查,调查指标包括对象的一般情况,口腔健康相关知识的知晓率,家长的口腔保健意识与行为等。结果:33.0%儿童使用含氟牙膏,24.3%每天刷牙两次,11.3%经常在睡前吃甜食;71.2%家长知道乳牙坏了也要治疗,42.8%知道含氟牙膏有益,仅22.4%知道窝沟封闭能预防儿童龋齿,有88.4%认同保护六龄齿的重要性。结论:对于口腔健康知识方面家长有较好的知晓,并且持有积极的态度,但知、行之间的差距较大,仍需进一步有针对性的健康教育。

关 键 词:口腔健康  乳牙  龋病  行为

Investigation on current situation of knowledge, attitude and behavior of oral health among preschool children and their parents in Mianyang city
Abstract:Objective:To understand the oral health habits of children in Mianyang city and the awareness status of knowledge,related attitude,and behavior of their parents to oral health.Methods:A total of 792 parents whose children were in kindergartens of Youxian district and Fucheng district of Mianyang city,and Jiangyou city were selected and asked to finish a self-report questionnaire,the investigation contents included general situations,the awareness rate of oral health-related knowledge,oral health awareness and behavior of their parents.Results:Among the children investigated,33.0% of them used fluoride toothpaste,24.3% of them brushed their teeth twice every day,11.3% of them usually ingested sweet food before bedtime;among the parents investigated,71.2% of them considered that cure of bad deciduous tooth was necessary,42.8% of them knew that fluoride toothpaste was beneficial,only 22.4% of them knew pit and fissure sealing could prevent children from caries,88.4% of them realized the importance of protecting six-year teeth.Conclusion:The awareness rate of parents to oral health knowledge is relatively high,and the parents have active attitude to oral health,but the gap between knowledge and behavior is large,so further health education targeting to oral health is needed.
Keywords:Oral health  Deciduous tooth  Dental caries  Behavior
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