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Incidence, risk factors and consequences of falls among elderly subjects living in the community: A criteria-based analysis
Abstract:In order to obtain an overview of the incidences, risk factorsand health consequences of falls among elderly persons livingin the community from the available literature, a Medline computersearch of publications over the period 1981–1994 was carriedout. Fourteen studies met the following inclusion criteria:i) the study is an original investigation of falls among theelderly, ii) the study deals with the incidence, risk factorsand/or consequences of falls among the elderly and iii) thestudy refers to a population at risk consisting of persons aged60 years or over belonging to a population relevant to generalpractice. The selected studies were subjected to a methodologicalassessment on the basis of 10 methodological criteria. All thestudies were independently assessed by 1 author and 1 assistantto obtain a methodological consensus. The relevant outcomesof these studies are reported. Pooling of data was not performedbecause of relevant differences between the studies. Two studiesmet all methodological criteria and 2 other studies were secondbest. These 4 studies were given preference. Approximately 30%of subjects older than 65 years fall at least once a year andapproximately 15% fall recurrently. The main risk factors forfalls among the elderly belong to the intrinsic (patient-related)risk factors: cognitive impairment, balance and gait disorders,use of sedatives and hypnotics, a history of stroke, advancedage, arthritis of the knee and a high level of dependence. Extrinsic(environment-related) risk factors did not play a significantrole in any of the studies. Not all studies dealt with the healthconsequences of falls among the elderly. Major injuries werereported in 0.5–9% and fractures in 3–14%.
Keywords:accidental falls   aged   elderly   incidence   risk factors   morbidity
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