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Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (FISH) Is a Reliable Diagnostic Tool for Detection of the 9; 22 Translocation
Authors:Martina Nolte   Martin Werner  Marc Ewig  Reinhard Von Wasielewski  Ludwig Wilkens  Hartmut Link  Arnold Ganser  Axel Georgii
Affiliation: a Pathologisches Institut und Onkologie der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover, Hannover, Germanyb Abteilung fur Hamatologie und Onkologie der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover, Hannover, Germany
Abstract:The fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique for detection of the 9;22 translocation was compared with the “gold standard” of conventional cytogenetics. For this purpose, both methods were applied to 81 bone marrow aspirates and/or peripheral blood specimens comprising 50 CML cases and controls from 31 patients without CML. Independently, core biopsies of these 81 patients were investigated by three histopathologists. Conventional karyotype analysis from unstimulated bone marrow cells was successful in 71/81 cases and demonstrated the Ph-chromosome in 42/46 CML patients. With FISH, results were obtained in all 81 cases investigated, confirming fusion of the bcr and abl genes in all cytogenetically Ph-positive patients. Among the five Ph-chromosome-negative specimens bcr/abl fusions were detected in only one patient. The percentage of cells found to be Ph-positive by both methods was correlated, but in individual cases considerable differences in the numbers of Ph-positive cells were observed. Different results may be due to selection of cells after in vitro cultivation predominantly.

FISH proved to be a very reliable technique for specimens that do not contain dividing cells. With FISH, large numbers of cells can easily be scored which is an advantage compared to conventional cytogenetics. Therefore, this method is particularly suitable for those whose therapy is being monitored or a relapse is suspected. However, the FISH results should be evaluated critically with respect to the practical limit of sensitivity since non-specific fusion signals can also be observed in a small percentage of cells in non-CML cases. It is suggested that each laboratory define its own threshold of bcr/abl fusion signals for diagnosing Ph-positive CML by FISH.
Keywords:chronic myelogenous leukemia  Philadelphia chromosome  FISH  molecular cytogenics
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