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2E3, a new marker that selectively identifies porcine CD4+ naive T cells
Authors:Revilla C  Rodríguez-Carreño M P  Alvarez B  Chamorro S  Alonso L M  Ezquerra A  Alonso F  Domínguez J
Affiliation:Departamento de Biotecnología, Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), Ctra de la Coru?a, km 7, 28040 Madrid, Spain.
Abstract:We describe a novel antigen recognized by mAb 2E3 selectively expressed in the periphery by a subset of porcine CD4+ T cells. Both, CD4+CD8alpha- and CD4+CD8alphalow T cell subpopulations express this antigen. CD4+2E3+ T cells show phenotypical and functional characteristics of nai;ve cells. The majority of them are CD29low, CD45RAhigh, CD49dlow, CD11alow, CD18low, and SLA-II-. After mitogen activation CD4+2E3+ T cells express high levels of IL-2 mRNA, but only traces of IFN-gamma or IL-4 mRNA. Indeed a minor percentage of cells stained positive for IFN-gamma when assessed by flow cytometry. Moreover, CD4+2E3+ T cells did not proliferate in response to the recall antigen lysozyme, although they did efficiently to the mitogen ConA. By contrast, CD4+2E3- T cells show phenotypical and functional characteristics of primed cells. They express markers associated to a memory phenotype, respond to the recall antigen lysozyme, and produce high amounts of IFN-gamma and IL-4.
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