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引用本文:张娣,吉成禹,乔艳,朱冬,王凯旋,纪学颖,邹圣强,张利岩. 护理专业新生突发事件自救互救素养培训效果评价[J]. 中国学校卫生, 2018, 39(2): 222-225. DOI: 10.16835/j.cnki.1000-9817.2018.02.019
作者姓名:张娣  吉成禹  乔艳  朱冬  王凯旋  纪学颖  邹圣强  张利岩
摘    要:了解自救互救素养教育培训提升护理专业大学一年级学生突发事件应急应对能力的效果.方法 采用方便抽样方法,选取2017年9月集中军训的某高校护理专业大一新生152名,对其进行突发事件自救互救基本知识、基本技能、判别能力及行为素养培训,并在培训前后进行自编问卷调查.结果 新生曾经历过灾害的人数占41%(62名),未接受过自救互救培训的人数占85%(90名).系统化滚动式培训后,大一护生自救互救素养总分(166.56±6.88)高于培训前(93.77±8.22)(t=-83.729,P<0.01);培训后,文科生较理科生、经历过灾害较未经历者、接受过灾难相关培训较未接受者分数提高明显(t值分别为-2.751,-3.504,5.788,P值均<0.05).培训后自救互救基本知识、基本技能、判别能力、行为素养得分均高于培训前(t值分别为34.092,41.023,38.579,155.449,P值均<0.01).结论 高校、医院、社会应重视护理专业学生突发事件自救互救素养教育,尤其应从低年级开始建立成熟完善的教育实践共同体,针对性开展系统多样的培训实践项目.

关 键 词:生活变动事件   健康教育   学生  护理

Effectiveness of self-and mutual-rescue training for emergencies among nursing college students
Abstract:Objective To improve the emergency response ability among nursing freshmen,and to provide basic information on self-and mutual rescue training materials.Methods By using the convenient sampling method,152 nursing freshmen were trained with emergency related self-and mutual-rescue,including basic skills,determination and behavior intention literacy.Questionnaire survey was conducted before and after the training.Results Among the freshmen,41% had experienced disasters,and 85% did not receive rescue training.After systematic rolling training,the total score of self-and mutual-rescue increased significantly from (93.77±8.22) to (166.56±6.88) (P<0.01).After training,those with literacy background in high-school,had disaster experiences,and those who had related rescue training improved significantly in basic knowledge,basic skills,discrimination ability and behavioral literacy(t=-2.751,-3.504,5.788,P<0.01).Conclusion There is a need to be mindful of mutual aid model among college students,especially allied with other forms of practice among college freshmen.
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