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引用本文:何双梧 郭连营. 胃癌组织中表皮生长因子及其受体的测定[J]. 中华医学杂志, 1994, 74(7): 413-415
作者姓名:何双梧 郭连营
摘    要:用免疫组化ABC法检测104例胃癌组织中表皮生长因子(EGF)和表皮生长因子受体(EGFR),结果EGF、EGFR及EGF与EGFR同步表达的阳性率分别为35.6%、42.3%和30.8%,阳性者多为进展期、分化不良型、BorrmannIII、IV型、硬癌型、侵犯浆膜和胃周淋巴结转移的胃癌病人;EGF阳性病人术后1、3、5年生存率均明显低于阴性组(P<0.05),尤以EGF及其受体同步表达者预后最差,均于4年内死亡。提示EGF和EGFR可作为胃癌生物学恶性程度的一个标志和估价病人预后的指标。

关 键 词:胃肿瘤,表皮生长因子,受体,表皮生长因子-尿抑胃素,免疫组织化学

Clinical stuily ou epidermal growth factor and itsmeptor in human gastric cancer
He Shungwu, GuoLianying, Li Jiaqi.. Clinical stuily ou epidermal growth factor and itsmeptor in human gastric cancer[J]. Zhonghua yi xue za zhi, 1994, 74(7): 413-415
Authors:He Shungwu   GuoLianying   Li Jiaqi.
Abstract:e detecte the expression of epidernial growthfactor (EGF) and epidennal growth factor receptor(EGFR) in 104 specimens of gastric cancer by avidinbiotinperoxides complex technique (ABC). The posi-tive rates of EGF, EGFR and synchronous EGF andEGFR were 35.6%, 42.3%, 30.8% respotively. Thepositive expression of EGF and EGFR to gastric can-cer tissue was inclined to occur in patients who were inadvaneed stages, of poorlyedifferentiated types.Bornann III,IV types, scirrhous type, seroinvasivetype or lymph node metastasic types. The survial ratesat 1,3,5 years after gastrectomy in the patients withexpression of EGF were significantly lower than thesurvival rates of the patients with negative expression(P<0.05). The patients with synchronous expressionof EGF and EGFR had the woret prognosis. Aftergastrectomy, all of theni died within 4 years. It is indi-cated that EGF and EGFR could serve as biologicalindicators of gastric cancer malignancy and an indexfor evaluating, the prognosis of the patients with gas-tric caneer.
Keywords:Gastric neoplasma Epidemialgrowth factor Receptor epidennal growth factor-urogastrone Immunohistochemistry  
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