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Plasminogen activator system modulates invasivecapacity and proliferation in prostatic tumor cells
Authors:Claudio Festuccia  Vincenza Dolo  Fulvio Guerra  Stefania Violini  Paola Muzi  Antonio Pavan  Mauro Bologna
Affiliation:(1) Department of Experimental Medicine, University of L'Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy
Abstract:The malignant phenotype of prostatic tumor cells correlates with the expression of both uPA and itscell-membrane receptor (uPAR); however, there is little information concerning the role of cell-bound uPAin matrix degradation and invasion. Our results suggest that cell-associated uPA plays a key role in regulat-ingthe amount of plasmin present at the surface of prostatic carcinoma (PRCA) cells and show that differ-entialproduction of uPA corresponds with the capacity to bind and activate plasminogen. In addition, weprovide direct evidence that both uPA secretion and the presence of uPA-uPAR complexes characterize theinvasive phenotype of PRCA cells and suggest the existence of several pathways by which tumor cells acquireplasmin activity. LNCaP cells (which do not produce uPA but express uPAR) may activate plasmin throughexogenous uPA. In vivo, the source of uPA may be infiltrating macrophages and/or fibroblasts as observedin several other systems. PAI-1 accumulation in the conditioned medium (CM) limits plasmin action to thepericellular microenvironment. Our results indicate that MMP-9 and MMP-2 are also activated by plasmingenerated by cell-bound but not by soluble, extracellular uPA. Plasmin activation and triggering of the pro-teolyticcascade involved in Matrigel invasion is blocked by antibodies against uPA (especially by anti- A-chainof uPA which interacts with uPAR) and by PA inhibitors such as p-aminobenzamidine which mayregulate levels of cell-bound uPA. uPA may also regulate growth in PRCA cells. Indeed, antibodies againstuPA A-chain (and also p-aminobenzamidine treatment) interfere with the ATF domain and inhibit cell growthin uPA-producing PC3 and DU145 prostate cancer cell lines, whereas exogenous uPA (HMW-uPA with ATF)induces growth of LNCaP prostate tumor cell line. These data support the hypothesis that in prostatic can-cerpatients at risk of progression, uPA/plasmin blockade may be of therapeutic value by blocking both growthof the primary tumor and dissemination of metastatic cells. ©Kluwer Academic Publishers
Keywords:metastasis  prostatic cancer  urokinase-type plasminogen activator
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