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引用本文:李蕾,姜娜,韦雪磊. 对比分析慢性萎缩性胃炎内镜检查和病理诊断结果[J]. 中外医疗, 2016, 0(24): 39-42. DOI: 10.16662/j.cnki.1674-0742.2016.24.039
作者姓名:李蕾  姜娜  韦雪磊
作者单位:1. 赤峰学院附属医院病理科,内蒙古赤峰,024000; 赤峰学院医学院病理生理学教研室,内蒙古赤峰 024000;2. 赤峰学院附属医院病理科,内蒙古赤峰,024000
摘    要:目的:比较分析慢性萎缩性胃炎(CAG)内镜检查和病理诊断结果。方法方便选取该院2013年3月—2015年3月赤峰学院附属医院收治的98例慢性萎缩性胃炎患者作为实验研究对象,活检患者病变处并实施病理检查,比较分析内镜检查与病理检查结果,计算出内镜下检查与病理诊断符合率。结果内镜检查诊断为慢性萎缩性胃炎98例患者中,经过病理检查诊断为该病的65例,诊断符合率是66.33%,这些确诊病例中有44例为肠上皮化生,21例上皮内瘤变;那些在胃内镜检查中表现出黏膜皱裂趋于平坦或者消失、胃黏膜以红白相间呈现、以白相为主及血管透见等病理症状确诊为该病符合率为91.6%,胃镜检查黏膜呈颗粒或结节状病理症状确诊为该病符合率为81.26%,2种病理症状的疾病确诊符合率差异无统计学意义,P>0.05;胃镜检查仅仅看到黏膜皱裂变平或消失,红白黏膜相间,并以白相为主,血管透见内镜表现的疾病诊断符合率为43.5%,与上述2种病理表现的诊断符合率相比明显较低,差异有统计学意义。结论慢性萎缩性胃炎内镜检查与病理诊断关系密切,患者胃内镜检查病理表现特征主要是胃黏膜变薄、白相及胃黏膜粗糙,应结合使用胃内镜检查与病理诊断,有效提高临床诊断准确率。

关 键 词:慢性萎缩性胃炎  内镜检查  病理诊断结果

Comparative Analysis of Chronic Atrophic Gastritis,Endoscopy and Pathol-ogy Results
Abstract:Objective To compare the analysis of chronic atrophic gastritis of endoscopic examination and pathological di-agnosis. Methods Convenient selection chifeng college hospital in March 2013 to March 2015 of 98 cases of chronic at-rophic gastritis patients admitted as the research object, the biopsy in patients implementation of pathologic examination and the comparative analysis of endoscopic examination and pathological examination results, calculate the endoscopic and pathological diagnosis coincidence rate, to understand the correlation between the two kinds of inspection diagnosis method. Results Eendoscopic examination in the diagnosis of chronic atrophic gastritis, 98 cases of patients, after pathologic diag-nosis of 65 cases of the disease, the diagnosis coincidence rate is 66.33%, these confirmed cases in 44 cases of intestinal metaplasia, 21 cases of intraepithelial neoplasia. Those in gastric endoscopy showed mucosal chap tend to be flat or disap-pear, gastric mucosa comes in red and white give priority to in order to play, and the see of vascular pathological symptoms diagnosed with the disease coincidence rate was 91.6%, gastroscopy mucosa show particles or tuberous pathological symp-toms diagnosed with the disease coincidence rate was 81.26%, the two kinds of pathological symptoms of disease diagnosis coincidence rate there was no significant difference, P >0.05; Fission gastroscopy only see mucosa crease or disappear, mucous membrane of the red and white alternate with, and give priority to in order to play, see blood vessels through endoscopic performance of disease diagnostic coincidence rate was 43.5%, compared with the above two kinds of histological diagnosis coincidence rate significantly lower, the difference was statistically significant. Conclusion Chronic atrophic gastritis is close to the endoscopic and pathological diagnosis, pa-tients with gastric endoscopy pathological characteristics mainly thinning of the gastric mucosa, rough play and gastric mu-cosa, should be combined with gastric endoscopy and pathology diagnosis, effectively improve the accuracy of clinical diag-nosis.
Keywords:Chronic atrophic gastritis  Endoscopy  The pathological diagnosis
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