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引用本文:孔令波. 临床分析氟喹诺酮类药物不良反应及合理用药[J]. 中外医疗, 2016, 0(25): 129-131. DOI: 10.16662/j.cnki.1674-0742.2016.25.129
摘    要:目的:为了进一步探究氟喹诺酮类药物在临床使用过程中所产生的不良反应,以及如何完善临床用药方式,提高院内用药的合理性。方法整群选取保康县人民医院(以下简称“该院”﹚2014年1月―2016年1月所收治148例氟喹诺酮类药物使用者的临床治疗资料,对氟喹诺酮类药物临床使用过程中出现的不良反应做重点分析,以提高院内药物不良反应的预防对策,完善院内用药方式。结果148例氟喹诺酮类药物不良反应案例中共涉及6种氟喹诺酮类药物,其中左氧氟沙星共36例,占24.32%;加替沙星42例,占28.38%。药物不良反应的主要症状为恶心、头晕、瘙痒、呕吐、头痛、皮疹、静脉炎等,涉及人体11个系统。结论氟喹诺酮类药物是广谱类抗菌药物,临床应用范围极广,但在药物使用过程中也存在诸多问题,用药过程中的不良反应就是其中较为突出的问题之一,完善院内对氟喹诺酮类药物的监控和管理方法,提高氟喹诺酮类药物用药量和使用方法的精准度,是降低院内药物不良反应、提高用药合理性的重要方式。

关 键 词:氟喹诺酮类药物  用药不良反应  左氧氟沙星  加替沙星  临床研究

To analyze the Clinical Adverse Reactions of Fluoroquinolones and Rational Drug Use
Abstract:Objective In order to further explore the fluoroquinolone drugs in clinical use produced in the process of ad-verse reactions, and how to perfect the way of clinical medication and improve the rationality of hospital medication. Meth-ods Group selection according to the Booking County People's Hospital (hereinafter referred to as the"hospital") from Jan-uary 2014 to January 2016 148 cases of fluoroquinolone drug users of clinical data, to fluoroquinolones clinical use of ad-verse reactions occurred in the process of key analysis, in order to improve the preventive measures for nosocomial adverse drug reactions, improve hospital medication. Results 148 cases of fluoroquinolones adverse drug reactions in the case of the Communist Party of China involving six fluoroquinolones, including levofloxacin, 36 cases, accounted for 24.32%; 42 cases of gatifloxacin (28.38%. The main symptoms of adverse drug reactions are nausea, dizziness, itching, vomiting, headache, rash, phlebitis, and so on, involving the human body 11 systems. Conclusion Fluoroquinolones are broad-spectrum antibi-otics, a very broad range of clinical applications, but process, there are many problems in the use of drugs, medication ad-verse reactions is one of the more prominent one, improve hospital of fluoroquinolones monitoring and management methods, improve the fluoroquinolones drug dosage and using the method of precision, reduce hospital adverse drug reaction and im-prove rational drug usage in an important way.
Keywords:Fluoroquinolones  Adverse drug reaction  Gatifloxacin  Levofloxacin  Clinical research
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