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Ultrasonically guided percutaneous and transvaginal fofficle aspiration; a comparative study
Authors:Janssen-Caspers, H.A.B.   Wladimiroff, J.W.   van Gent, I.   Alberda, A.Th.   Leerentveld, R.A.   Zeilmaker, G.H.   Drogendijk, A.C.
Affiliation:Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Dr. Molewaterplein 40, 3015 GD Rotterdam, The Netherlands 1Department of Endocrinology, Growth and Reproduction, Erasmus University Ronerdam Dr. Molewaterplein 40, 3015 GD Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Abstract:In this study we compare the efficacy of ultrasonically guidedpercutaneous oocyte collection for in-vitro fertilization withultrasonically guided transvaglnal oocyte collection. Forty-sevenpatients were prospectively randomized into two groups. Twenty-fourpatients underwent percutaneous follide aspiration and 23 patientsunderwent a transvaginal puncture. The number of aspirated oocytesper patient showed a statistically significant difference inthe two groups: 2.5 for the percutaneous puncture versus 5.2for the transvaginal procedure. The number of embryos per patientwas 2.7 in the transvaginal puncture group versus 1.6 in thepercutaneous puncture group. This difference was not statisticallysignificant. The clinical pregnancy rate per patient was 12.5%with the percutaneous approach and 30.4% with the transvaginaltechnique. This difference was also not statistically significant.Since the transvaginal procedure also creates less discomfortto the patient and is less time-consuming it is concluded thatthis approach is preferable to the percutaneous puncture techniquein obtaining oocytes for in-vitro fertilization.
Keywords:percutaneous follicle aspiration/transvaginal follicle aspiration/ultrasound
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