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Purkinje cell axon collaterals terminate on Cat-301+ neurons in Macaca monkey cerebellum
Authors:Crook J D  Hendrickson A  Erickson A  Possin D  Robinson F R
Affiliation:Neurobiology and Behavior Graduate Program, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA.
Abstract:The monoclonal antibody Cat-301 identifies perineuronal nets around specific neuronal types, including those in the cerebellum. This report finds in adult Macaca monkey that basket cells in the deep molecular layer; granule cell layer (GCL) interneurons including Lugaro cells; large neurons in the foliar white matter (WM); and deep cerebellar nuclei (DCN) neurons contain subsets of Cat-301 positive (+) cells. Most Cat-301+ GCL interneurons are glycine+ and all are densely innervated by a meshwork of calbindin+/glutamic acid decarboxylase+ Purkinje cell collaterals and their synapses. DCN and WM Cat-301+ neurons also receive a similar but less dense innervation. Due to the heavy labeling of adjacent Purkinje cell dendrites, the innervation of Cat-301+ basket cells was less certain. These findings suggest that several complex feedback circuits from Purkinje cell to cerebellar interneurons exist in primate cerebellum whose function needs to be investigated. Cat-301 labeling begins postnatally in WM and DCN, but remains sparse until at least 3 months of age. Because the appearance of perineuronal nets is associated with maturation of synaptic circuits, this suggests that the Purkinje cell feedback circuits develop for some time after birth.
Keywords:perineuronal net   chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan   Cat-301   cerebellum   glycine   primate
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