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Pregnancy: Determinants of reproductive prognosis after ectopic pregnancy
Authors:Gruft, L.   Bertola, E.   Luchini, L.   Azzilonna, C.   Bigatti, G.   Parazzini, F.
Affiliation:1Clinica Ostetrico-Ginecologica Luigi Mangiagalli, Università di Milano v. della Commenda 12, Milan 20100, Italy 2Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche ‘Mario Negri’ via Eritrea 62, Milan 20157, Italy 3Istituto Europeo di Oncologia v. Ripamonti 332/10, Milan 20100, Italy
Abstract:The reproductive prognosis of 115 women desiring pregnancy whounderwent surgery for ectopic pregnancy between 1985 and 1990at the Clinica Luigi Mangiagalli, was analysed after a medianfollow-up period of 26 months (range 2–83). Probabilityof reproductive events was assessed by a product-limit model.Women who underwent surgery for ectopic pregnancy had a 54%probability of becoming pregnant (cumulative pregnancy rate,CPR) and a 36% probability of giving birth to a child (cumulativelivebirth rate, CLB) during the 3 years after surgery. Thesepercentages dropped with history of previous ectopic pregnancy(respectively 33%, P = 0.07, and 7%, P < 0.05). Increasingage at surgery and presence of adhesions in the contra-lateraltube seemed to be associated with poor reproductive prognosis(CPR = 40% and CLB = 12% for women aged ≥35 years and CPR = 37%and CLB = 20% in women with adhesions in the contra-lateraltube), but these findings were not statistically significant.No association emerged between fertility and parity or typeof surgery. The recurrence rate of ectopic pregnancy was 20%.No significant association emerged between recurrence of ectopicpregnancy and age, history of previous pregnancy, history ofprevious ectopic pregnancy, non-intact contra-lateral tube andsalpingotomy.
Keywords:ectopic pregnancy/fertility/pregnancy rates/salpingectomy/salpingotomy
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