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Endotoxin impairs the engraftment of rat islets transplanted beneath the kidney capsule of C57BL/6-mice
Authors:T. Eckhardt  H. Jahr  K. Federlin  R. G. Bretzel
Affiliation:Medizinische Klinik III und Poliklinik, Justus-Liebig-Universit?t Giessen, Rodthohl 6, D-35385 Giessen, Germany, DE
Abstract:The primary objective of this investigation was to determine the effect of endotoxin on islet xenograft survival within the first three days after transplantation. Pancreatic islets from Lewis rats were prepared under endotoxin-free conditions with Liberase (Boehringer) and purified by centrifugation on endotoxin-free Ficoll/Histopaque. After overnight incubation, with or without 10 μg/ml endotoxin, the islets were transplanted beneath the kidney capsule of normoglycemic C57Bl/6-mice. Three days later, kidneys were removed and their insulin content were measured. We could demonstrate significant differences (P<0.01) in insulin recovery between lipopolysaccharide-free and lipopolysaccharide-containing grafts. In case of endotoxin contaminated islets, we found only 13±2% (n=9) of the original insulin content, in contrast to 53±7% (n=9) when endotoxin-free islets where grafted. In experiments with islets isolated by use of conventional (lipopolysaccharide-containing) collagenase, and then cultured in endotoxin-free medium, insulin recovery three days after transplantation was 36±1% (n=13).
Keywords:Islet transplantation  Xenograft survival  Inflammatory reaction  Endotoxin  Islet mass
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