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Management of acute bleeding per rectum
Authors:Tan Benita K T  Tsang Charles B S  Nyam Denis C N K  Ho Yik Hong
Affiliation:Department of General Surgery, Singapore General Hospital, 169608. gsutkt@sgh.com.sg
Abstract:BACKGROUND: Bleeding per rectum is a common indication for acute hospital admissions to the colorectal department. The frequencies of aetiologies in Singapore are different from those in Western populations. A retrospective analysis of the demography, pathology and management of acute bleeding per rectum was performed to determine the outcome and difference in aetiology from the West. METHODS: During the 1-year period from 1 October 1995 to 30 September 1996, 547 patients were admitted to Singapore General Hospital form the emergency department for acute bleeding per rectum. There were 377 males and 170 females; the mean age was 42 years (range, 15-97 years). RESULTS: Of the patients admitted, 87% wer admitted due to perianal conditions diagnosed at bedside proctoscopy, where haemorrhoids mad up 94%. One percent bled from the upper gastrointestinal tract, while 12% bled from colorectal pathology. Massive bleeding form the colorectum was uncommon. Less than one third of the 47 patients required blood transfusions. Colonoscopy was the most useful diagnostic tool for bleeding from the colorectum. The more common colonic pathologies were diverticular disease (33%), adenomas (18%), and malignancy (26%), accounting for the majority of acute patient admissions. Colonic causes of bleeding were less common and were most stable. There were differences in the frequencies of aetiologies in our population compared ot Western populations. Understanding the common pathologies and outcomes guides the management fo our patients.
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