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作者姓名:郭会卿  李沛  李郑生
基金项目:国家“十五”科技攻关项目(编号:2004BA721A01Z71) (感谢李振华教授对本文的指导)
摘    要:总结了李振华教授采用温中健脾除湿通络法治疗顽痹的经验。李老认为顽痹的形成其本是脾虚,在脾虚生湿的前提下,又久居潮湿之地感受外湿,外湿引动内湿,内外湿结合阻滞气机不通,不通则疼痛;治疗上要标本兼治,治本之法在于温中健脾除湿,治标之法偏寒者祛风散寒,偏热者祛风清热,而通经活络应贯彻始终;方药用自拟通经宣痹汤(白术、云茯苓、泽泻、生薏苡仁、桂枝、知母、防己、香附、丹参、鸡血藤、制马钱子、穿山甲、木香、全蝎、蜈蚣、乌梢蛇等);这种把温中健脾除湿与清热通经活络药物巧妙配伍,既蠲除了痹病又顾护了脾胃是其治疗痹病的特色。

关 键 词:李振华  国医大师  脾胃病专家  顽痹  温中健脾  除湿通络

Summarization of Academic Thought of Li Zhenhua:treating obstinate arthralgia with waming the middle Energizer and invigorating the spleen
Guo Huiqing,Li Pei,Li Zhengsheng.Summarization of Academic Thought of Li Zhenhua:treating obstinate arthralgia with waming the middle Energizer and invigorating the spleen[J].Journal of Henan college of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2010(1):42-43.
Authors:Guo Huiqing  Li Pei  Li Zhengsheng
Institution:(No.2 Affiliated Hospital to Henan College of Chinese Medicine,Zhengzhou,Henan,China 450002 )
Abstract:the article summarized the experience of Li Zhenghua professor using the warm the middle warmer to invigorate the spleen and dehumidify to activated collaterals on treating obstinate arthralgia.The professor considered that obstinate arthralgia formed by splenic asthenia.The insufficiency of the spleen resulting in production of dampness was the cause.The patients lived in humid house where could easy infect exogenous wetness-evil.The exogenous wetness-evil united endogenous wetness-evil that block activities of qi.This disease was treated with appearance and substance methods.The get at the root method was warm the middle warmer to invigorate the spleen and dehumidify.The get at the appearance was expelling wind and removing cold to cold patient,expelling wind and removing heat to heat patient but to remain consistent from the start to the very end of dredge the meridian passage.The drugs as Baizhu,PORIA from Yunnan of China,Zexie,Yiyiren,Guizi,Zhimu,Fangji,Xiangfu,Danshen,Jixueteng,Maqianzi,Chanshanjia,Muxiang,Qianxie,Wugong and Wushaoshe.The warm the middle warmer to invigorate the spleen and dehumidify united clearing heat and dredge the meridian passage was the special feature to treat obstinate arthralgia.
Keywords:Li Zhenhua  National chinese medical science doctor  the specialist of the spleen and stomach complaint  obstinate arthralgia  waming the middle Energizer  invigoration the spleen
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