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引用本文:张翠玲,刘鸿雁,姜玉,王晖. 北京市农村地区已婚长效避孕妇女生殖健康水平分析[J]. 社区医学杂志, 2014, 0(4): 1-3
作者姓名:张翠玲  刘鸿雁  姜玉  王晖
摘    要:目的分析北京市农村地区已婚长效避孕妇女的生殖健康状况。方法使用SPSS软件对2008年北京市农村地区长效避孕育龄妇女体检数据进行定量分析。结果 1.北京市农村地区已婚育龄妇女避孕措施仍以长效避孕方法为主,宫内节育器使用比例达85.85%;2.妇科病检出率为36.27%,长效避孕育龄妇女为36.4%,其他女性人群为33.9%。3.本次体检农村育龄妇女生殖道感染患病率为10.07%(19419/192,739)。患生殖道感染的育龄妇女94.37%患有1种炎症(18325人),5.63%患有两种以上(1094人);4.阴道炎、宫颈糜烂、盆腔炎和附件炎的患病率分别为8.55%、4.23%、0.92%和1.15%。霉菌性阴道炎、滴虫性阴道炎细菌性阴道炎和老年性阴道炎的患病率分别为1.15%、3.81%、2.73%、0.90%;5.生殖道感染,特别是阴道炎高发的年龄组为30-44岁,该年龄组生殖道感染患病率与阴道炎患病率均较高。结论 1.北京市农村地区已婚长效避孕育龄妇女与其他女性的患病水平相接近,说明采取长效避孕节育措施对育龄群众的身体健康状况不会产生严重的不良反应。2.北京市农村育龄妇女生殖道感染总患病率和主要生殖道感染疾病的患病率,低于全国2007年妇女病查治结果,也低于国内类似研究;3.阴道炎和宫颈糜烂是北京市农村育龄妇女主要的生殖系统疾病;4.滴虫性阴道炎患病率高于北京市平均水平,说明目前农村地区滴虫性阴道炎的问题仍较严重,应加强对农村地区滴虫性阴道炎的防治工作。

关 键 词:农村  已婚育龄妇女  长效避孕  生殖健康

The reproductive health status of married women of reproductive age using long -acting contraceptives in rural areas of Beijing
Affiliation:ZHANG Cui - ling, LIU Hong - yan, JIANG Yu, et al. Department of Research China Population and Development Research Center,Beijing 100081
Abstract:Objective To analyze the reproductive health status of married women of reproductive age using long - acting contraceptives in rural areas of Beijing. Methods SPSS was used to carry out a quantitative analysis on the medical data of women of reproductive age using long - acting contraceptives in rural areas of Beijing in 2008. Results 1. Long - acting contraceptives were mainly used among married women of reproductive age in rural areas of Beijing, the prepotion of using IUD reached 85.85%. 2. 36.27% of the women were detected to have gynecological disease, in which, women using long - acting contraceptives accounted for36.4%, women using other contraceptive meanres for 33.9%. 3. The prevalence rate of reproductive tract infections was 10. 07% (19,419/192,739). 94.37% of women with reproductive tract infections were detected to have one reproductive tract infection, and 5.63 % two or more. The prevalence rate of vaginitis, cervical erosion, pelvic inflammation and annex inflammation was 8.55% ,4.23% ,0.92% and 1.15% respectively. The prevalence rate of fungal vaglnitis, trlchomonas vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis and senile vaginitis was 1.15%, 3.81%, 2. 73% and 0.90% respectively. 5. Reproductive tract infections, eap. vaglnitis were most commonly seen amang women of 30 - 44 years old, who had a higher incidence of both epreductive tract infections and vaginitis. Conclusions 1. The prevalence of gynecological disease among women using long - acting contraceptives is close to that among women not using long - acting contraceptives, which shows that using long - acting contraceptives can not produce serious adverse reactions. 2. The overal prevalence rate of reproductive tract infections and the prevalence rate of major reproductive tract infections - among women in rural areas of Beijing arc lower than the resnlts of national disease detection and treatment outcome in 2007, also lower than the results of similar domestic studie. 3. Vaglnitis and cervical erosion are major reproductive dis- eases among women of reproductive age in rural areas of Beijing. 4. The prevalence rate of trichomoniasis vaglnitis is much higher than the average level of urban areas of Beijing, indicating trichomoniasis vaginitis is still serious in the rural ares, therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the prevention and control of trichomaniasis vaginitis.
Keywords:rural area  married women of reproductive age  long - acting contraception  reproductive health
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