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Characteristics and rehabilitation for patients with spinal cord stab injury
Authors:Fangyong Wang  Junwei Zhang  Hehu Tang  Xiang Li  Shudong Jiang  Zhen Lv  Shujia Liu  Shizheng Chen  Jiesheng Liu  Yi Hong
Affiliation:1) Department of Spine and Spinal Cord Injury, Beijing Bo’ai Hospital, China Rehabilitation Research Center, China;2) School of Rehabilitation Medicine, Capital Medical University, China
Abstract:[Purpose] The objective of the study was to compare the incidence, diagnosis, treatment,and prognosis of patients with spinal cord stab injury to those with the more commonspinal cord contusion injury. [Subjects] Of patients hospitalized in China RehabilitationResearch Center from 1994 to 2014, 40 of those having a spinal cord stab injury and 50with spinal cord contusion were selected. [Methods] The data of all patients were analyzedretrospectively. The cases were evaluated by collecting admission and discharge ASIA(American Spinal Injury Association) and ADL (activity of daily living) scores. [Results]After a comprehensive rehabilitation program, ASIA and ADL scores of patients having bothspinal cord stab injury and spinal cord contusion significantly increase. However, theincreases were noted to be higher in patients having a spinal cord stab injury than thosehaving spinal cord contusion. [Conclusion] Comprehensive rehabilitation is effective bothfor patients having spinal cord stab injury and those with spinal cord contusion injury.However, the prognosis of patients having spinal cord stab injury is better than that ofpatients with spinal cord contusion.Key words: Spinal cord injury, Stab injury, Rehabilitation
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