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引用本文:甘肃省高台县卫生防疫站. 一起食物型伤寒爆发流行的调查报告[J]. 中华流行病学杂志, 1983, 4(2): 108-109
摘    要:1981年元月,高台县罗城公社花墙子大队,发生一起在结婚饮宴中由于慢性带菌者污染大米干饭而引起的食物型伤寒爆发。就餐者232人,发病78人,发病率33.62%。性别差不显著,年龄2~58岁皆有发病。患者临床症状较轻,无典型梯型稽留热和相对缓脉,而以驰张热为主,发冷出汗较重,未查出典型玫瑰疹。80%病例病程在3~6周。检出伤寒沙门氏菌4株,抗原式均为O9Vid-。传播方式与当地食物制备的习惯不良有关——盛饭时用手抓,而造成污染。

Report on a Food-borne Outbreak of Typhoid Fever
Abstract:In Jan.1981 a food-borne outbreak of typhoid fever occured in Huaqiangzi Brigade, Lochen Commune, Gaotai County.It was due to contamination of cooked rice by a typhoid chronic carrier on an occasion of wedding dinner with 232 participants.78 of them were ill with a morbidity of 33.62% .Difference between male and female was not significant.The disease attacked those aged 2-58.The clinical manifestations were mild, no typical step-rise & sustained fever and no relatively slow pulse.Patients mainly had remittent fever, chill and masked perspiration.No typical roseola wa sfound.80% of patients presented course of illness lasted for 3-6 weeks.4 strains of Sal.typhi were isolated, with antigenic formula of O9 Vi d-.The mood of transmission was found to be closely related to contamination by an improper habit in preparing meal i.e. using fingers instead of proper utensils to take up cooked rice.
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