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The prospects of a harm reduction approach among indigenous people in Canada
Authors:Landau T C
Affiliation: a Woodsworth College, University of Toronto, Canada
Abstract:A harm reduction approach to alcohol and substance abuse is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to prohibitionist and abstentionist policies. It is seen as particularly valuable for some high-risk populations, such as injection drug users and street youth. A strong argument can be made that Aboriginal communities in Ontario, Canada, and probably across the country, are appropriate environments for a harm reduction approach. Aboriginal people are at extremely elevated risk for accident, illness and death. At the same time, alcohol use is a predominant factor in many of these outcomes, and elevates many of the risks associated with Aboriginal life. Isolated, remote reserve communities in northern Ontario present additional risks of extremely poor living conditions and extreme weather conditions. Prohibition and abstinence are currently the main approaches to alcohol and substance abuse in many of these communities, while the role of alcohol in morbidity, mortality and other social problems remains high. There are positive indications that the feasibility of harm reduction strategies could be broached in some communities. It is concluded that the obstacles are significant but a community-by-community approach is a strong feature of harm reduction, and may increase its prospects for piloting strategies in individual communities.
Keywords:substance use  harm reduction  indigenous communities  prevalence
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