Department of Psychiatry, Mount Sinai Hospital, and University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Department of Psychology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA
This study examines behavioral recovery from the aphagia-adipsia syndrome following frontal neocortical ablation in relation to the recovery of neurological function in the brain-damaged animal. Regulation of food and water intake in the post recovery period was also investigated. Behavioral recovery occurs in three articulated stages of improving sensori-motor function which reflect the animal's underlying neurological recovery. The first stage is one in which food and water intake can be accomplished only by reflexive sucking. In the second stage, goal directed scraping of the surface of solid foods and ingestion of soft foods are possible. In the final stage, chewing and biting are re-established and normal weight regulation is maintained on a standard laboratory diet. After recovery, sensori-motor deficits remain which do not impair feeding and drinking unless mechanically difficult diets are presented. Except for a response deficit in the insulin-induced overeating test and an increased sensitivity to quinine adulterated food, recovered animals respond normally to a series of regulatory challenges.