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Influence of neurotrophins on the synaptogenesis of inner hair cells in the deaf Bronx waltzer (bv) mouse organ of Corti in culture
Authors:Hanna M. Sobkowicz   Benjamin K. August  Susan M. Slapnick
Affiliation:Neurology Department, University of Wisconsin, 1300 University Avenue, Room 75 MSC, Madison 53706, USA. hmsobkow@facstaff.wisc.edu
Abstract:The Bronx waltzer (bv) deaf mouse is characterized by massive degeneration of the primary auditory receptors, the inner hair cells, which occurs during the time of expected afferent synaptogenesis. The process is associated with degeneration and protracted division of the normally postmitotic afferent spiral ganglion neurons. To investigate the potential role of neurotrophins in the afferent synaptogenesis of inner hair cells, we exposed bv newborn cochleas in organotypic culture to brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) and nerve growth factor (NGF), and also to gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), for up to 8 days. The study was done using light and electron microscopy. Only about 20% of the inner hair cells survived in culture, regardless of the treatment, similar to the number in the intact mutant in our colony. Depending on the exogenous treatment, this population consisted of either innervated ultrastructurally normal cells or denervated dedifferentiated cells wrapped-in lieu of nerve endings-by the supporting inner phalangeal and border cells. In the control and GABA cultures, inner hair cells were mostly denervated. BDNF and NT-3 alone or combined increased synaptogenesis and hair cell survival only during the first 3 days (by about 10%); however, the cells became denervated by 8 postnatal (PN). Only NGF induced stable innervation and differentiation of neurosensory relationships, including supernumerary innervation characteristic of the intact bv. Denervation among the remaining 20% of inner hair cells induced a reactive wrapping by inner phalangeal and border cells which evidently extended inner hair cell survival. Immunocytochemical studies of these reactive supporting cells were done in the intact (8 PN) mutant cochlea. The supporting cells that provide sustenance to the denervated inner hair cells displayed strong BDNF (and possibly NT-3) immunoreactivity. Subsequently, we revealed the presence of all three neurotrophins in the inner hair cell region of the developing (1-8 PN) cochlea of the normal ICR mouse. The inner hair cells expressed all three neurotrophins; BDNF prevailed in the inner phalangeal cells, NT-3 in the pillar cells and inner phalangeal cells, and NGF in the pillar cells. In conclusion: initially, the 80% loss of inner hair cells is apparently caused by their failed afferent synaptogenesis. Exogenous neurotrophins influence synaptogenesis in the bv in culture, but NGF alone is successful in promoting stable neurosensory relationships. The presence of neurotrophins in supporting cells in the normal and degenerating cochlea indicates their role in the sustenance of inner hair cells.
Keywords:Auditory   Organ of Corti   Bronx waltzer   Inner hair cells   Neurotrophins   Synaptogenesis   Degeneration   Mitosis of postnatal spiral ganglion neurons   Organotypic culture   Culture
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