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Various problems in the diagnosis and treatment of the broncho-obstructive syndrome
Authors:V G Boksha  T A Grabil'tseva  A E Eremenko  P I Mandel'  E K Sveshnikova
Abstract:Clinico-x-ray-laboratory investigation, bronchoscopy were performed, respiratory function and ECG were studied in 212 patients with different forms of chronic bronchitis. Six groups of patients were defined with relation to the presence or absence of obstruction, its nature (permanent, transient), prevalence (small, medium and large bronchi), genesis of disease (inflammatory, allergic). The characteristics of the groups and their clinico-x-ray, functional and immunological features were presented. Treatment including methods of climatotherapy, exercise therapy, pharmacological agents (antibacterial, broncholithic and antihistaminic), physiotherapy and administered with relation to the defined groups, proved to be effective. The improvement of bronchial permeability was noted in 49.5% (ranging from 40.0 to 68.7% in different groups).
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