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Questioning the cardiocirculatory excitatory effects of opioids under volatile anaesthesia
Authors:Docquier M-A  Lavand'homme P  Boulanger V  Collet V  De Kock M
Affiliation:Department of Anaesthesiology, Laboratory of Anaesthesia, University of Louvain, St Luc Hospital, av. Hippocrate 10–1821, 1200 Brussels, Belgium
Abstract:Background. Opioid-induced hyperalgesia has been demonstratedin awake animals. We observed an increased haemodynamic reactivityin response to noxious stimuli in rats under sevoflurane anaesthesiatreated with a very low dose of sufentanil. The aim of thisinvestigation was to determine whether the two phenomena sharea common origin: an opioid-induced excitatory reaction. To addressthis, we administered several drugs with proven efficacy inopioid hyperalgesia to rats presenting with haemodynamic hyper-reactivity. Methods. The MACbar of sevoflurane was measured in controlsand in animals treated with sufentanil 0.005 µg kg–1min–1 before and after administration of i.v. (0.25, 0.5mg kg–1) and intrathecal (i.t.) (250 µg) ketamine,i.v. (0.5, 1 mg kg–1) and i.t. (30 µg) MK-801(NMDAantagonist), i.v. (0.1, 0.5 mg kg–1) naloxone, i.v. (10mg kg–1) and i.t. (50, 100 µg) ketorolac or i.t.(100, 150 µg) meloxicam (COX-2 inhibitor). Results. Sufentanil 0.005 µg kg–1 min–1 significantlyincreased MACbar (3.2 (SD 0.3) versus 1.9 (0.3) vol%). Withthe exception of naloxone, all drugs displayed a significantMACbar-sparing effect (>50%) in controls. Naloxone completelyprevented haemodynamic hyperactivity. Two patterns of reactionwere recorded for the other drugs: either hyper-reactivity wassuppressed and the MACbar-sparing effect was maintained (i.t.ketamine, i.t. MK-801, i.t. ketorolac [100 µg], i.t. meloxicam[150 µg]) or hyper-reactivity was blocked but MACbar-sparingeffect was lost (i.v. ketamine [0.5 mg kg–1], i.v. MK-801[0.5, 1 mg kg–1], i.v. ketorolac [10 µg kg–1],i.t. ketorolac [50 µg], i.t. meloxicam [100 µg]). Conclusions. We have demonstrated that low-dose sufentanil-inducedhaemodynamic hyper-reactivity is an excitatory µ-opiate-relatedphenomenon. This effect is reversed by drugs effective in treatingopiate-induced hyperalgesia.
Keywords:anaesthetics volatile, sevoflurane   analgesics opioid, sufentanil   pain, mechanisms
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