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引用本文:孟玲,向妮娟,李昱,王锐,刘凤凤,孙军玲,檀晓娟,周蕾,王哲,涂文校,倪大新,洪志恒,曹洋,金连梅. 2013年9月全国突发公共卫生事件及需关注的传染病风险评估[J]. 疾病监测, 2013, 28(9): 704-708. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2013.9.003
作者姓名:孟玲  向妮娟  李昱  王锐  刘凤凤  孙军玲  檀晓娟  周蕾  王哲  涂文校  倪大新  洪志恒  曹洋  金连梅
摘    要:目的 评估2013年9月中国(未包括香港、澳门和台湾地区)突发公共卫生事件及需要关注的传染病风险。 方法 根据全国突发公共卫生事件报告及重点传染病监测等各种监测资料和部门通报信息,采用专家会商法进行评估。 结果 既往监测显示,9月是全年报告突发公共卫生事件数较高的月份之一,全国突发公共卫生事件总报告事件数和病例数较8月将有所增加;仍处于肠道传染病及食物中毒事件的多发季节;面临登革热输入和本地暴发的双重压力;人感染H7N9禽流感存在出现新病例的可能;中东呼吸综合征疫情虽然不足以构成国际关注的突发公共卫生事件,但中东地区新发病例的持续发生仍需要继续关注;随着近期各类学校和幼托机构陆续开学,学校和幼托机构中流行性感冒、流行性腮腺炎、手足口病、水痘等传染病暴发疫情和食物中毒事件的发生风险将上升;中秋、国庆长假临近,各地卫生部门应提前做好旅行卫生提示,并加强节日期间的传染病监测、卫生监管和应急值守工作;此外,还应关注洪涝等自然灾害可能导致的次生公共卫生风险。 结论 2013年9月我国的突发公共卫生事件及传染病疫情发生态势与往年相似,处于全年较高水平;需重点关注中东呼吸综合征、登革热和食物中毒。

关 键 词:突发公共卫生事件   传染病疫情   风险评估

Risk assessment of public health emergency and concerned infectious diseases in China,September 2013
Abstract:Objective Assess the risk of public health emergency and concerned infectious diseases in China, September 2013. Methods Semi-structured interviews and discussions among subject matter experts based on surveillance data and public institute bulletins, et al. Results According to surveillance data, the occurrence of public health emergency in September will be relatively high among the whole year. The number of the reported national public health emergency for September may see an upward trend compared with August. Now it is the high risk season for enteric infectious diseases and food poisoning. The risk of both imported dengue patients and endemic dengue outbreaks exist. New cases of Human infection with influenza A(H7N9) virus may occur. Though World Health Organization recognized Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) as not a Public Health Emergency of International Concern yet, the sustained new cases reported from Middle East still reminded alert for public health society. With the start of the new school year, the risk of infectious disease outbreaks including influenza, mumps, HFMD, chickenpox and food poisoning events in schools and kindergartens will increase. As the two vacations-Mid Autumn Festival and National Day approach, health departments should provide travel health advice to the public in advance, and strengthen infectious disease surveillance, health supervision and emergency duty work during the vacations. Flood may occur in some places, which might cause secondary public health risk. Conclusion It is expected that the national public health emergencies and epidemic situation of infectious diseases in September 2013 would be similar as the September, namely at a higher level. We need to strengthen surveillance and preparedness for MERS, dengue, and food poisoning.
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