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Active pulmonary tuberculosis with vertebra and rib involvement: case report
Authors:Ozol Duygu  Köktener Asli  Uyar Mehtap E
Affiliation:Department of Respiratory Medicine, Fatih University Hospital, Ankara, Turkey. dozol@hotmail.com
Multifocal skeletal tuberculosis is defined as osteoarticular lesions that occur simultaneously at two or more locations and is generally associated with disseminated disease. Although involvement of bones accounts for 1 to 5% of all tuberculosis cases, multifocal involvement of the skeleton is extremely rare. We present a case of active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) with vertebral and rib involvement and multiple hypodense lytic lesions accompanied by a paravertebral mass lesion. In the differential diagnosis, metastases, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, chordoma sarcoidosis and rare spinal infections such as brucellosis and fungal disease were considered. The diagnosis was established by surgical biopsy, taken by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery. Especially for patients from TB-endemic areas, tuberculosis must be considered in the differential diagnosis and treatment should be started without delay.
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