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引用本文:郑红元,王松治,张世宏,李雪莉. 普陀区2005-2010年流动儿童免疫规划5种疫苗接种率调查[J]. 中国农村卫生事业管理, 2012, 32(3): 280-281
作者姓名:郑红元  王松治  张世宏  李雪莉
摘    要:目的:了解舟山市普陀区2005-2010年间流动儿童免疫规划卡介苗(BCG)、口服脊髓灰质炎减毒活疫苗(OPV)、百日咳-白喉-破伤风联合疫苗(DTP)、麻疹减毒活疫苗(MV)、乙型肝炎疫苗(HepB)5种疫苗的预防接种现状。方法:2005-2010年期间每年分别在13个乡镇(街道)流动人口聚集地随机抽取居住3个月及3个月以上的1~7周岁外地户籍儿童,同时采用容量比例概率抽样法(PPS)调查本地12~24月龄儿童疫苗接种情况。结果:流动儿童建证(卡)率93.54%;卡疤率91.18%;BCG、OPV、DTP、MV、HepB五苗接种率分别是91.36%、98.05%、96.29%、92.57%、97.86%;HepB首针及时接种率为89.60%,五苗全程免疫覆盖率为92.66%,低于本地儿童。结论:对流动儿童的疫规划管理仍是今后工作的重点。

关 键 词:流动儿童  免疫规划  五苗接种率

Immunization situation of 5 vaccines among migrant children in Putuo District of Zhoushan from 2005 to 2010
Affiliation:ZHENG Hong-yuan,WANG Song-zhi,ZHANG Shi-hong,et al(Putuo Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Zhoushan,Zhejiang 316100,China)
Abstract:Objective To understand the immunization status of 5 vaccinates[(Bacillus Calmette Guerin,BCG),(Oral Poliomyelitis Atlenuated Live Vaccine,OPV),(Diphtheria,Tetanus,Pertussis combined Vaccine,DTP),(Measles Atlenuated Live Vaccine,MV) and(Hepatilis B Vaccine,HepB)]among migrant childrenin Putuo District of Zhoushan City from 2005 to 2010.Methods Each year from 2005 to 2010 we randomly selected migrant children aged 1-7 yeas old who lived at least 3 months in the 13 respective towns(streets) for the survey,meanwhile,PPS was adopted to survey the vaccination status of the local children aged 12-24 months.ResultsThe rate of certificate(card) enrollment among migrant children was 93.54%.The scar rate was 91.18%.The vaccination rates of five vaccines of BCG,OPV,DTP,MV,HepB were 91.36%,98.05%,96.29%,92.57%,97.86% respectively.89.60% of children were immunized with timely HepB1.The full immunization coverage rate of five vaccines was significantly lower than that among local children.Conclusion Immunization planning and management among migrant children is still the focus of future work.
Keywords:migrant children  5 EPI vaccines  vaccination rate
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