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引用本文:翁晓羽,徐姝娟,刘欢,柯欢,代莉莉,陈思仙. 互联网+护理服务背景下安徽省皖南地区护士对网约护士认知调查分析[J]. 蚌埠医学院学报, 2021, 46(11): 1627-1633, 1638. DOI: 10.13898/j.cnki.issn.1000-2200.2021.11.033
作者姓名:翁晓羽  徐姝娟  刘欢  柯欢  代莉莉  陈思仙
作者单位:皖南医学院第一附属医院 护理部, 安徽 芜湖 241001
摘    要: 目的了解"互联网+护理服务"背景下护士对"网约护士"的认知情况以及影响护士做"网约护士"意愿的因素。 方法选取安徽省皖南地区12所医院的2 241名护士为研究对象,采用自行设计的问卷对其进行"网约护士"认知和意愿的调查。 结果不同年龄段、工作年限、婚姻状况、子女情况、职称、是否喜欢护士职业者做"网约护士"意愿比较,差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05~P < 0.01)。>50岁年龄段中34.6%的护士,>20年工作年限中28.6%的护士,副主任护师及以上中43.1%的护士,有子女中26.0%的护士,婚姻状况为其他中35.3%的护士,喜欢护士职业的护士中24.5%的护士均非常愿意做"网约护士"。是否听说过"网约护士"政策、对"网约护士"了解程度、是否赞成实施"网约护士"、对"网约护士"前景的看法对护士做"网约护士"意愿的影响差异有统计学意义(P < 0.01)。506名(22.6%)护士表示非常愿意做"网约护士",表示一般愿意有811名(36.2%),表示不确定有801名(35.7%),表示不愿意有73名(3.3%),表示非常不愿意有50名(2.2%)。1 159名(51.7%)护士没有听说过"网约护士"政策,621名(27.7%)护士对"网约护士"了解程度表示一般,858名(38.3%)护士对"网约护士"不了解。896名(40.0%)护士对实施"网约护士"表示一般赞成,878名(39.2%)护士对实施"网约护士"态度表示不确定,1 171名(52.3%)护士看待"网约护士"的前景表示一般。 结论"网约护士"目前没有在全国推广,三、四线城市和地区大部分护士对"网约护士"的态度较为谨慎,有待进一步宣传。可以优先引导高年资护理人员向社区下沉。通过市场经济,合理经济收入能更好体现护士专业价值,降低护士流失率。工作具有更多的自主性和灵活性对护士做"网约护士"有很大的吸引力。如果给予护理职业更多选择,可以更好的维持护士的低招聘率和高流动率。

关 键 词:护士   互联网   认知   影响因素

Analysis of the nurses' cognition of "online nurse appointment" in Southern Anhui province under the background of Internet+ nursing service
WENG Xiao-yu,XU Shu-juan,LIU Huan,KE Huan,DAI Li-li,CHEN Si-xian. Analysis of the nurses' cognition of "online nurse appointment" in Southern Anhui province under the background of Internet+ nursing service[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical College, 2021, 46(11): 1627-1633, 1638. DOI: 10.13898/j.cnki.issn.1000-2200.2021.11.033
Authors:WENG Xiao-yu  XU Shu-juan  LIU Huan  KE Huan  DAI Li-li  CHEN Si-xian
Affiliation:Department of Nurse, The First Affiliated Hospital of Wannan Medical College, Wuhu Anhui 241001, China
Abstract: ObjectiveTo understand the nurses' cognition of "online nurse appointment" under the background of "Internet+ nursing service" and the factors influencing nurses' willingness to do "online nurse appointment". MethodsTwo thousand two hundred and forty-one nurses from 12 hospitals in Southern Anhui province were selected.A self-designed questionnaire was used to investigate the cognition and intention of online nurses. ResultsThe differences of the willingness to work as "online nurse appointment" among different age groups, working years, marital status, children's status, professional titles and whether like to do nurse were statistically significant(P < 0.05 to P < 0.01).The 34.6% of nurses with more than 50 years old, 28.6% of nurses with more than 20 years of working experience, 43.1% of nurses with associate chief nurse and above, 26.0% of nurses with children, 35.3% of other nurses with marital status and 24.5% of nurses liking to do nurse were very willing to be "online nurses".The differences of the effects of hearing the policy of "online nurse appointment", degree of understanding "online nurse appointment", whether approving the implementation of "online nurse appointment" and outlook of "online nurse appointment" on the willingness to do "online nurse appointment" were statistically significant(P < 0.01).The 506(22.6%)nurses indicated that they were very willing to work as "online nurse appointment", 811(36.2%) nurses were generally willing, 801(35.7%)nurses were uncertain, 73(3.3%)nurses were unwilling, and 50(2.2%)nurses were very unwilling.The 1 159(51.7%)nurses did not hear the online nurse policy, the understanding degree on "online nurse appointment" in 621(27.7%)nurses was general, the 858(38.3%)nurses did not understand the "online nurse appointment".The 896(40.0%)nurses were generally in favor of the implementation of "online nurse appointment", 878(39.2%)nurses were uncertain about the implementation of "online nurse appointment", and 1 171(52.3%)nurses viewed the prospect of "online nurse appointment" as general. Conclusions"Online nurse appointment" has not been promoted in China at present.Most nurses in third-tier and fourth-tier cities and regions are cautious about "online nurse appointment", and which needs to be further promoted.Senior caregivers can be guided into the community as a priority.Through the market economy, the reasonable economic income can better reflect the professional value of nurses, and reduce the rate of nurse turnover.The work with more autonomy and flexibility has great attraction for nurses to do "online nurse appointment".The low recruitment rate and high turnover rate of nurses can be better maintained if the nursing profession is given more choice.
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