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Prognostic value of certain enzymatic and hormonal assays in threatened abortion
Authors:Naguib Y  Shaarawy M  Aboulghar M  Nagui A R  Magdi M  Thabet S
Abstract:The following biochemical indices were evaluated comparatively as predictors of the course of threatened abortion: serum oxytocinase, heat stable alkaline phosphatase, leucine aminopeptidase, urinary pregnanediol, and urinary estriol. 36 cases, grouped into controls and pathological cases, were studied. In normal pregnancy, there was a progressive rise in the levels of the serum oxytocinase, leucine aminopeptidase, urinary estriol, and pregnanediol. Serum heat stable alkaline phosphatase showed an undifferentiated range of results in nonthreatened pregnancies. In the group of threatened abortion cases, results were, therefore, considered abnormal if 2 or more successive determinations showed progressive reduction in enzyme or hormonal levels, and abnormality was also diagnosed if the results were below the normal range (published tabularly, per gestational week). The prognostic value of these biochemical indices was as follows: of 16 cases with normal serum oxytocinase values, 31.2% aborted, whereas of 10 with abnormal values, 70% aborted. Of 16 cases with serum leucine normal values, 37.5% aborted, whereas Of 10 abnormal cases, 60% aborted. Of 18 cases with normal heat stable alkaline phosphatase values, 55.5% aborted, whereas of 8 cases with abnormal values, 25% aborted. Of 17 cases with normal urinary estriol determinations, 45% aborted, whereas of 9 cases with abnormal values, 44.5% aborted. And of 17 cases with normal pregnanediol levels, 41% aborted, whereas of 9 cases with abnormal values, 55.5% aborted. These results show that combined estimation of serum oxytocinase and urinary pregnanediol is a reliable parameter in anticipating pregnancy outcome in cases of threatened abortion.
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