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引用本文:弭凤玲,马艳,杜建,高静韬,岳淑敏,姜晓颖,李亮. 中国结核病诊疗医院基本情况分析[J]. 中国防痨杂志, 2012, 34(11): 708-711
作者姓名:弭凤玲  马艳  杜建  高静韬  岳淑敏  姜晓颖  李亮
作者单位:101149.北京市结核病胸部肿瘤研究所 结核病防治临床中心办公室
摘    要:目的 了解目前中国结核病诊疗医院的基本情况,发掘其优势,为中国结核病防治规划服务。 方法 由北京市结核病胸部肿瘤研究所结核病防治临床中心办公室设计调查表。卫生部疾病预防控制局对31个省(直辖市、自治区)(不包括台、港、澳地区)和新疆生产建设兵团下发通知,要求各省地(市)级以上、拥有≥30张以上结核病床位的医院填写调查表并逐级审核上报。将数据录入EpiData数据库,利用SPSS 11.0软件对数据进行汇总分析。 结果 2009年,全国共有30张以上结核病床位数的地(市)级以上医院203家,其中12.8%(26/203)为省级, 87.2%(177/203)为地(市)级;东部地区占45.8%(93/203),中部地区占41.4%(84/203),西部地区占12.8%(26/203)。17.2%(35/203)为财政全额拨款单位,64.5%(131/203)为财政差额拨款单位,9.4%(19/203)为自筹自支,8.9%(18/203)为其他情况。从事结核病防治的工作人员18 899名,其中专业技术人员14 456名,硕士及以上学历占3.7%(528/14 456),本科占37.7%(5456/14 456),大专占35.1%(5078/14 456),中专及以下占23.5%(3394/14 456);正高职称占3.5%(508/14 456),副高职称占10.0%(1448/14 456),中级职称占32.6%(4711/14 456),初级及以下职称占50.5%(7300/14 456),无技术职称人员占3.4%(489/14 456)。结核病床位数共有2.4万张,结核病门诊量为244.6万例次,结核病患者出院量为129.8万例。结核病患者平均住院日为27 d,平均住院费用为6631元,床位使用率为87.0%。 结论 结核病诊疗医院在人力资源、床位数、诊断与治疗等方面具有一定的优势,建议尽快将结核病诊疗医院纳入国家结核病防治规划,为中国新型结核病防治体系提供支持。

关 键 词:医院   专科  卫生人力  医院病床数  数据收集  

Analysis on the hospital for tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment in China
MI Feng-ling,MA Yan,DU Jian,GAO Jing-tao,YUE Shu-min,JIANG Xiao-ying,LI Liang. Analysis on the hospital for tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment in China[J]. The Journal of The Chinese Antituberculosis Association, 2012, 34(11): 708-711
Authors:MI Feng-ling  MA Yan  DU Jian  GAO Jing-tao  YUE Shu-min  JIANG Xiao-ying  LI Liang
Affiliation:Administration Office of Clinical Center on Tuberculosis, Beijing Tuberculosis and Thoracic Tumor Research Institute, Beijing 101149, China
Abstract:Objective To investigate the basic information of the hospital for tuberculosis (TB) control, and to make use of the priorities to serve the national TB control program. Methods The questionnaire was designed by Administration Office of Clinical Center on TB, Beijing Tuberculosis and Thoracic Tumor Research Institute. Ministry of Health gave an official notification to 31 provinces (municipality, autonomous region) (not including Taiwan,Hongkong and Macao) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the hospital at provincial and prefecture level, which have 30 TB beds or above, filled in the questionnaire and reported to the higher administrative levels, the results were inputted into the EpiData database, SPSS 11.0 software was used for analysis. Results In 2009, there were 203 hospitals for TB control with 30 TB beds or above in China. Among of them, 12.8%(26/203) were at provincial level, 87.2%(177/203) at prefecture level; 45.8%(93/203) were located in eastern area,41.4%(84/203) in middle area and 12.8%(26/203) in western area. 17.2% (35/203) were full allocation institutions, 64.5%(131/203) were balance allocation institution and 9.4%(19/203) were self-supporting unit, others were 8.9%(18/203). There are 18 899 staff engaged in TB control, among of whom 14 456 were professional personnel. 3.7%(528/14 456) had master degree or above,37.7%(5456/14 456) had bachelor degree,35.1%(5078/14 456) had junior college degree and 23.5%(3394/14 456) had technical secondary school degree or below;3.5%(508/14 456) were senior title,10.0%(1448/14 456) were vice senior title,32.6%(4711/14 456) were middle title,50.5%(7300/14 456) were primary title or below, and 3.4%(489/14 456)had no title. There were 24.0 thousands TB beds, outpatient amount was 2.5 million and inpatient amount was 1.3 million in all hospitals for TB control. The average hospitalization time of TB patients was 27 days, the average hospitalization expenses was 6631 Yuan, bed utilization rate was 87.0%. Conclusion The hospital of TB control has many advantages such as the human recourses, tuberculosis wards, diagnosis and treatment capacity etc. It is suggested that the hospital for TB diagnosis and treatment should be involved into the national tuberculosis control program as soon as possible,and provide supports for new tuberculosis control system.
Keywords:Hospitals   special  Health manpower  Hospital bed capacity  Data collection  
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