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Uterus and endometrium: Inhibition of human endometrial stromal cell proliferation by interleukin 6
Authors:Zarmakoupis, Panayota N.   Rier, Sherry E.   Maroulis, George B.   Becker, Jeanne L.
Affiliation:1Andrology Institute of Lexington PO Box 23777, Lexington, KY 40523 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of South Florida College of Medicine Tampa, Florida 33606, USA 3Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, University of South Florida College of Medicine Tampa, Florida 33606, USA 4Fertility Institute of Athens Palea Penteli, Athens 15236, Greece
Abstract:We investigated the ability of interleukin 6 (IL-6) to modulatehuman endometrial stromal cell growth in vitro Stromal cellproliferation in response to treatment with varying concentrationsof IL-6 was determined. Endometrial tissue was obtained from10 normally cycling women during the secretory phase of theirmenstrual cycle. Treatment with IL-6 resulted in a dose- andcell-density-dependent inhibition of endometrial stromal cellproliferation in vitro. The maximal inhibition was observedwith 200 pg/ml of IL-6 and at a concentration of 105 cells/well.During in-vitro culture, stromal cells produced low amountsof IL-6 and demonstrated the presence of IL-6 receptor. Thesedata demonstrate that IL-6 acts as a growth-regulatory signalfor human endometrial stromal cells. We postulate that IL-6may contribute to the maintenance of homeostasis in normal endometriumand that perturbation of IL-6 mediated responses may play arole in disorders of the endometrium such as endometrial cancerand endometriosis.
Keywords:human endometrium/human endometrial stromal cells/interleukin 6
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