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Recombinat hormones: Structure-function relationship of recombinant follicle stimulating hormone (Puregon(R))
Authors:de Leeuw, Renato   Mulders, John   Voortman, Gerrit   Rombout, Ferdy   Damm, Jan   Kloosterboer, Lenus
Affiliation:NV Organon, PO Box 20, 5340 BH Oss, The Netherlands
Abstract:After separation by means of preparative isoelectrofocusing,the isohormones of a Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)-derived recombinantfollicle stimulating hormone (rFSH, Puregon®) were characterizedwith respect to structural and functional features. A carbohydrateanalysis revealed that rFSH isohormones with a low isoelectricpoint (pI) have a high sialic acid/galactose ratio and are richin tri- and tetra-antennary N-linked carbohydrate chains incomparison with the high pI isohormones. The relative basicisohormones exhibit receptor binding activity and intrinsicbioactivity 2–3-fold higher than the relative acidic isohormones.However, due to their lower clearance rate these acidic isohormonesdisplayed a 20-fold higher in-vivo bioactivity in the rat. Acomparison of the isohormone profile of rFSH and urinary FSH(Metrodin®) revealed that rFSH contains about 2-fold morebasic isohormones with pl
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