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Organization of secondary lymphoid tissue and local IgE formation to Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxins in nasal polyp tissue
Authors:Gevaert P  Holtappels G  Johansson S G O  Cuvelier C  Cauwenberge P  Bachert C
Affiliation:Upper Airways Research Laboratory, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium.
Abstract:BACKGROUND: Bilateral nasal polyposis (NP) is characterized by high concentrations of IgE in NP tissue, which show no relation to the atopic status. We aimed to study the relationship between systemic and local IgE formation, nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus and nasal polyposis. METHODS: In serum and nasal tissue homogenates from 24 NP patients and 12 controls, we determined concentrations of total IgE and IgE antibodies to inhalant allergens and S. aureus enterotoxins (SAEs; A,B,C,D,E,TSST) by ImmunoCAP. Tissue cryosections were stained for CD3, CD20, CD38, CD23, FcepsilonRI, IgE and SEA/SEB. RESULTS: We demonstrated a higher incidence of S. aureus colonization (17/24) and IgE antibodies to SAEs in NP tissue (12/24) compared with controls (3/12 and 0/12, respectively). Total IgE and IgE antibodies in serum and NP tissue were dissociated because of local polyclonal IgE formation in NP tissue. Staining of NP tissue revealed follicular structures characterized by B and T cells, and lymphoid accumulations with diffuse plasma cell infiltration. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrated the organization of secondary lymphoid tissue in polyp tissue and a polyclonal hyper-immunoglobulinemia E associated with the presence of IgE antibodies to SAEs, colonization with S. aureus, and tissue eosinophilia in a relevant subgroup of polyp patients.
Keywords:atopy    eosinophils    IgE antibodies    nasal polyps    polyclonal    Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxins    superantigens    total IgE
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