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Reproductive Toxicity of Sulfamethazine in Swiss CD-1 Mice during Continuous Breeding
Affiliation:*Chemistry and Life Sciences Group, Research Triangle Institute P.O. Box 12194, Research Triangle Park; North Carolina 27709 "{dagger}"Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Group, National Toxicology Program, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences P.O. Box 12233, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709

Received July 29, 1991; accepted November 21, 1991

Abstract:Sulfamethazine (SMZ) was evaluated for reproductive toxicityin Swiss CD-1 mice using a continuous breeding protocol. SMZwas administered in the diet at 0, 0.25, 0.5, or 1% (w/w), whichrepresented an average daily intake of 0, 313, 625, or 1250mg SMZ/kg/day, respectively. Exposure of F0 male and femalemice to 1% SMZ for 126 days resulted in a significant decreasein the mean number of live pups per litter and the number oflitters produced (task 2); the percentage pups born alive to1% SMZ females showed a nonsignificant decrease versus controlfemales. The effects on fertility were rapid to onset (1 to4 weeks) and cumulative in nature. F0 male and female body weightswere slightly depressed from 3 weeks to the end of the study.The crossover mating trial (task 3) revealed that the adverseeffect on ferility involved both treated partners in that littersize decreased when either 1% SMZ males were bred to controlfemales or 1% SMZ females were mated with control males. Afterapproximately 155 days of exposure of F0 mice to 1% SMZ, theterminal body weight of 1% SMZ females was significantly decreasedand that of 1% SMZ males showed a nonsignificant decrease. Inaddition, the liver weight to body weight ratio of the maleswas increased. Further, the prostate and seminal vesicle weightto body weight ratios were decreased in 1% SMZ males relativeto control males. No treatment-related gross or histopathologicallesions were noted for the pituitary or reproductive organsof either sex. Sperm assessment indicated no significant differencein the epididymal sperm concentration or percentage motile orabnormal sperm. In conclusion, SMZ was found to be a reproductivetoxicant in the male and female Swiss CD-1 mouse, albeit atrelatively high dietary intake (1250 mg/kg/day), and in thepresence of mild systemic toxicity.
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