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Decreases in arterial oxygen saturation in paediatric outpatients during transfer to the postanaesthetic recovery room
Authors:Daniel Chripko  Joan C. Bevan  David P. Archer  Nicole Bherer
Affiliation:Department of Anaesthesia, Montreal Children's Hospital, Quebec.
Arterial oxygen saturation was measured by pulse oximetry in two groups of paediatric outpatients breathing room air during transport from the operating room to the postanaesthetic recovery room. In Group I (n = 60) readiness for transfer from OR to PARR was decided clinically. In Group II (n = 50) additional criteria of oxygen saturation (SaOe) greater than or equal to 98 per cent with end-tidal gas N2O less than or equal to 10 per cent and CO2 less than or equal to 45 mmHg were met. A higher incidence of desaturation (SaO2 less than or equal to 90 per cent) occurred in Group I (27 per cent) than in Group II (eight per cent) (P less than 0.05). More children under 2 yr desaturated in Group I (50 per cent) than Group II (17 per cent) (P greater than 0.05 less than 0.10). Twenty-two patients in each group had a recent history of upper respiratory tract infections. In these patients, desaturation was more marked in those in Group I (32 per cent) than in Group II (five per cent) (P less than 0.05). Within each group, the incidence of desaturation during transport was similar in patients with or without a recent URI.
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