Abstract: | Helicobacter pylori infection is mainly acquired during childhood: it is recognised as a cause of gastritis and peptic ulcer and it has been classified as a group A carcinogen by the World Health Organisation. The exact mode of transmission is as yet unknown. The aim of this review was to analyse the literature about H. pylori infection in paediatric patients. The large diffusion of H. pylori infection in paediatric patients, the absence of a specific clinical feature, the new non-invasive methods for diagnosis and follow-up, which are still not validated and the different therapeutic schedules have led to the necessity of determining the real clinical outcome in affected children and adolescents. The scope of the review was to identify better eradication therapy and the most important factors in treatment failure. The international literature has shown the importance of culture, antibiograms, the compliance of families and patients and the use of probiotics during triple eradication therapy. The review paid attention to the management, diagnostic techniques and therapy of this infection in paediatric patients. |