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CD70 and IFN‐1 selectively induce eomesodermin or T‐bet and synergize to promote CD8+ T‐cell responses
Authors:Han Dong  Nathan A. Franklin  Shane B. Ritchea  Hideo Yagita  Martin J. Glennie  Timothy N. J. Bullock
Affiliation:1. Department of Pathology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA;2. Department of Immunology, Juntendo University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan;3. Cancer Sciences Division, Southampton University School of Medicine, General Hospital, Southampton, UK
Abstract:CD70‐mediated stimulation of CD27 is an important cofactor of CD4+ T‐cell licensed dendritic cells (DCs). However, it is unclear how CD70‐mediated stimulation of T cells is integrated with signals that emanate from signal 3 pathways, such as type‐1 interferon (IFN‐1) and IL‐12. We find that while stimulation of CD27 in isolation drives weak EomesoderminhiT‐betlo CD8+ T‐cell responses to OVA immunization, profound synergistic expansion is achieved by cotargeting TLR. This cooperativity can substantially boost antiviral CD8+ T‐cell responses during acute infection. Concomitant stimulation of TLR significantly increases per cell IFN‐γ production and the proportion of the population with characteristics of short‐lived effector cells, yet also promotes the ability to form long‐lived memory. Notably, while IFN‐1 contributes to the expression of CD70 on DCs, the synergy between CD27 and TLR stimulation is dependent upon IFN‐1's effect directly on CD8+ T cells, and is associated with the increased expression of T‐bet in T cells. Surprisingly, we find that IL‐12 fails to synergize with CD27 stimulation to promote CD8+ T‐cell expansion, despite its capacity to drive effector CD8+ T‐cell differentiation. Together, these data identify complex interactions between signal 3 and costimulatory pathways, and identify opportunities to influence the differentiation of CD8+ T‐cell responses.
Keywords:CD8+ T   cells  CD27  CD70  IFN–  1  IL‐12
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