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Effectiveness of a Home Exercise Program in Combination with Ultrasound Therapy for Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
Authors:Mehmet Ucar   ümit Sarp   ?rfan Koca  Selma Ero?lu  Alparslan Yetisgin  Ahmet Tutoglu  Ahmet Boyac?
Abstract:[Purpose] This study compared the effectiveness of home exercise alone versus homeexercise combined with ultrasound for patients with temporomandibular joint disorders.[Subjects and Methods] This study enrolled 23 female and 15 male patients who were dividedrandomly into two groups. The home exercise group performed a home exercise programconsisting of an exercise program and patient education, and the home exercise combinedwith ultrasound group received ultrasound therapy in addition to the home exerciseprogram. Pain intensity was evaluated using a visual analogue scale. Pain free maximummouth opening was evaluated at baseline and 2 weeks after the treatment. [Results] Therewas no difference between the two groups in baseline values. After the treatment, thevisual analogue scale decreased and pain free maximum mouth opening scores improvedsignificantly in each group. Additionally, both values were higher in the home exercisecombined with ultrasound group than in the home exercise group. [Conclusion] Thecombination of home exercise combined with ultrasound appears to be more effective atproviding pain relief and increasing mouth opening than does home exercise alone forpatients with temporomandibular joint disorders.Key words: Temporomandibular joint disorders, Ultrasound therapy, Home exercise
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