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Enhanced antinociceptive effects of morphine in histamine H2 receptor gene knockout mice
Authors:Mobarakeh Jalal Izadi  Takahashi Kazuhiro  Sakurada Shinobu  Kuramasu Atsuo  Yanai Kazuhiko
Affiliation:Department of Pharmacology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Seiryo-machi 2-1, Aoba-Ku, Sendai 980-8575, Japan. jalalizadi@yahoo.com
Abstract:We have previously shown that antinociceptive effects of morphine are enhanced in histamine H1 receptor gene knockout mice. In the present study, involvement of supraspinal histamine H2 receptor in antinociception by morphine was examined using histamine H2 receptor gene knockout (H2KO) mice and histamine H2 receptor antagonists. Antinociception was evaluated by assays for thermal (hot-plate, tail-flick and paw-withdrawal tests), mechanical (tail-pressure test) and chemical (formalin and capsaicin tests) stimuli. Thresholds for pain perception in H2KO mice were higher than wild-type mice. Antinociceptive effects of intracerebroventricularly administered morphine were enhanced in the H2KO mice compared to wild-type mice. Intracerebroventricular co-administration of morphine and cimetidine produced significant antinociceptive effects in the wild-type mice when compared to morphine or cimetidine alone. Furthermore, zolantidine, a selective and hydrophobic H2 receptor antagonist, enhanced the effects of morphine in all nociceptive assays examined. These results suggest that histamine exerts inhibitory effects on morphine-induced antinociception through H2 receptors at the supraspinal level. Our present and previous studies suggest that H1 and H2 receptors cooperatively function to modulate pain perception in the central nervous system.
Keywords:Antinociception   Intracerebroventricular injection (i.c.v.)   Morphine   Histamine H2 receptor   Gene knockout mice
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