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胸骨正中切口治疗双侧肺疾病 21例
引用本文:王柏春,王胜发,张铁娃,李野,常浩,王巨. 胸骨正中切口治疗双侧肺疾病 21例[J]. 哈尔滨医科大学学报, 2002, 36(3): 234-235
作者姓名:王柏春  王胜发  张铁娃  李野  常浩  王巨
摘    要:目的 探讨胸骨正中切口治疗双侧肺疾病的手术方法和疗效。方法 1996年至1999年共21例双侧肺病变的病人在我院行胸骨正中切口的手术治疗,其中双侧肺大疱12例,双侧支气管扩张症3例,肺癌对侧肺内转移1例,对侧纵隔淋巴结转移2例,慢性阻塞性肺气肿3例。行肺大疱结扎、肺修补术12例,双肺下叶切除术3例,左肺下叶切除、右肺上叶楔行切除术1例,左肺下叶切除、双侧纵隔转移淋巴结清除术2例,双侧肺减容术3例,结果 胸骨正中切口开胸平均出血量207ml,少于横断胸骨双侧开胸的平均出血量,手术入路简便,可较好地完成双侧肺疾病的手术治疗,病人术后效果佳,结论 胸骨正中切口是一次性手术治疗双侧肺疾病的理想、简便的切口。

关 键 词:胸骨正中切口  双侧肺疾病  胸外科

Median sternotomy incision for 21 cases with bilateral lung diseases
WANG Bai chun,WANG Sheng fa,ZHANG Tie wa,et al. Median sternotomy incision for 21 cases with bilateral lung diseases[J]. Journal of Harbin Medical University, 2002, 36(3): 234-235
Authors:WANG Bai chun  WANG Sheng fa  ZHANG Tie wa  et al
Abstract:Objective To review the experiences of median sternotomy incision for bilateral lung diseases.Methods The operations of lung repair, ligation of bullae, pulmonary lobectomy and resection of metastas lymph nodes, lung volume reduction surgery were taken via median sternotomy incision in 21 patients including 12 cases of bullae of bilateral lung, 3 cases of bronchiectasis, 3 cases of pulmonary carcinoma (one case of the other lung metastas, two cases of lymph node metastas in the opposite mediastinum ), 3 cases of chronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema. Results The average volume of blood loss of median sternotomy incision was 207ml,which is less than that of the clamshell incision, the oprations for bilateral lung diseases can be practised via the median sternotomy incision. The health of postoprative patients was good. Conclusion The median sternotomy incision should be a convenient and effective approch for bilateral lung diseases surgery.
Keywords:median sternotomy incision  bilateral lung disease  thoracic surgery
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