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Primitive Cerebral Tumor with Rhabdoid Features: A Case of Phenotypic Rhabdoid Tumor of the Central Nervous System
Authors:Douglas A. Weeks   Richelle L. Malott  Craig W. Zuppan  Boleslaw H. Liwnicz  J. Bruce Beckwith
Affiliation: a Deportment of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Lorna, Linda University School of Medicine, Lorno Linda, California, USA
Abstract:The rhabdoid tumor (RT) was first described as an aggressive neoplasm of unknown histogenesis affecting the kidneys of infants and young children, but has since been reported in all ages and in many other primary sites, including the central nervous system. It has been shown, however, that the histologic and cytologic features of RT can be mimicked by many other tumors of known histogenesis. For this and other reasons it remains controversial whether cases of putative extrarenal RT represent the same histogenetic entity as RT of the kidney (RTK), another entity or entities, or merely a diverse collection of unrelated tumors sharing a common morphologic phenotype. The present paper describes a lethal primary cerebral tumor in a 26-month-old Hispanic boy that was composed predominantly of cells exhibiting the “classic” rhabdoid phenotype by light microscopy. lmmunocytochemical and ultrastructural studies disclosed features of primitive neuroglial differentiation not seen in RTK. The findings in this case, as well as evidence from other studies, would seem to support the notion that primary RT of the brain may in fact constitute a morphologic and clinicopathologic entity. However, hat entity likely represents a distinctive type of neuroglial neoplasm, more closely related t o other primitive brain tumors than t o RTK.
Keywords:brain tumors  electron microscopy  extrarenal rhabdoid tumor  immunocytochemistry  pediatric brain tumors  primitive neural tumors  rhabdoid tumor
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