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Vocalization-correlated single-unit activity in the brain stem of the squirrel monkey
Authors:A. Kirzinger  U. Jürgens
Affiliation:(1) Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie, Kraepelinstr 2, W-8000 München 40, Federal Republic of Germany
Abstract:Summary The brain stems of 17 squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) were systematically explored for vocalization-related single-unit activity during calls electrically elicited from the periaqueductal grey. Of 12,280 cells tested, 1151 fired in relation to vocalization. Of these, 587 reacted to external acoustic stimuli and started firing after vocalization onset. As most of these cells were located in classical auditory relay structures, they probably represent auditory neurones reacting indirectly to self-produced vocalization due to auditory feedback. Seven cells reacted to acoustic stimuli but fired in advance of self-produced vocalization. These cells were locoated in the pericentral inferior colliculus, dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, dorsomedial to the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus and immediately lateral to the central grey. They are probably engaged in tuning the auditory system to process self-generated sounds differently from external sounds. 261 neurones reacted to nonphonatory oral movements (chewing, swallowing) and started firing after vocalization onset. These neurones were widely distributed within the brain stem, with the highest density in the spinal trigeminal nucleus and medially adjacent reticular formation. The majority of these cells seem to react to proprioceptive and tactile stimuli generated by phonatory and nonphonatory oral activities. Some of them may exert motor control on muscles that come into play at later stages of phonation. 57 neurones reacted to nonphonatory oral movements but fired in advance of vocalization onset. These neurones were located mainly in the trigeminal motor nucleus, nucl. ambiguus, reticular formation around these nuclei, parabrachial region and lateral vestibular nucleus. Their role in motor control seems to be related to specific muscles rather than specific functions. 100 of the vocalization-related cells showed a correlation with respiration. Expiration-related cells were found in and around the rostral nucl. ambiguus and in the reticular formation dorsal to the facial nucleus. Inspiration-related cells were located in the rostral and caudal nucl. ambiguus regions, ventrolateral solitary tract nucleus and the lateral reticular formation below the trigeminal motor nucleus. Most of these cells probably represent premotor neurones of respiratory muscles and laryngeal motoneurones of the cricothyroid and posterior cricoarytenoid muscles. Finally, a last group of cells was found that was unresponsive to chewing and swallowing movements, quiet breathing and acoustic stimuli, but changed activity during vocalization. 38 of them became active before vocalization and cricothyroid activity, and 101 afterward. Both types were completely intermingled and scattered widely in the brain stem, including the nucl. ambiguus region, solitary tract nucleus, nucl. reticularis parvocellularis and gigantocellularis, parabrachial region, pericentral colliculus inferior, vestibular complex, periventricular grey and laterally adjacent tegmentum. Some of these cells may be related to vocalization in a more specific way.Abbreviations A nucl. annularis - Ab nucl. ambiguus - Apt area praetectalis - BC brachium conjunctivum - BP brachium pontis - Cb cerebellum - CC corpus callosum - Cd nucl. caudatus - Col colliculus inferior - CoS colliculus superior - CRf corpus restiforme - DBC decussatio brachii conjunctivi - DG nucl. dorsalis tegmenti (Gudden) - DR nucl. dorsalis raphae - DV nucl. ventralis n. vagi - FRM formatio reticularis myelencephali - FRP formatio reticularis pontis - FRTM formatio reticularis mesencephali - GC substantia grisea centralis - GL corpus geniculatum laterale - GM corpus geniculatum mediale - GPM griseum periventriculare mesencephali - GPo griseum pontis - H habenula - Hip hippocampus - IP nucl. interpeduncularis - LC locus coeruleus - LL lemniscus lateralis - LLd nucl. dorsalis lemnisci lateralis - LLv nucl. ventralis lemnisci lateralis - LM lemniscus medialis - LP nucl. lateralis posterior thalami - MD nucl. medialis dorsalis thalami - MV nucl. motorius n. trigemini - NC nucl. cochlearis - NCb nucl. cerebelli - NCS nucl. centralis superior - NCT nucl. trapezoidalis - NR nucl. ruber - NST nucl. supratrochlearis - NSV nucl. spinalis n. trigemini - NTS nucl. tractus solitarii - NIII nucl. oculomotorius - NIV nucl. trochlearis - nV nervus trigeminus - NVI nucl. abducens - NVII nucl. facialis - NXII nucl. hypoglossus - OI oliva inferior - PbL nucl. parabrachialis lateralis - PbM nucl. parabrachialis medialis - Pp nucl. praepositus - Pu nucl. pulvinaris oralis - PuL nucl. pulvinaris lateralis - PuM nucl. pulvinaris medialis - Py tractus pyramidalis - PV nucl. principalis n. trigemini - RL nucl. reticularis lateralis - RTP nucl. reticularis tegmenti pontis - SN substantia nigra - ST stria terminalis - Ves nucl. vestibulares - VR nucl. ventralis raphae - IV decussatio n. trochlearisSupported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinchaft grant Ju 181/1
Keywords:Vocalization  Single-unit activity  Brain stem  Squirrel monkey
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