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Long-term facilitation of amphetamine-induced rotational behavior and striatal dopamine release produced by a single exposure to amphetamine: Sex differences
Authors:Terry E. Robinson   Jill B. Becker  Sharon K. Presty
Abstract:Amphetamine (AMPH)-induced rotational behavior in non-lesioned rats and AMPH-stimulated dopamine (DA) release from striatal tissue fragments in vitro were used to study the long-term effects of a single injection of AMPH on activity in the mesostriatal DA system. A single injection of a low dose of AMPH (1.25 mg/kg) greatly enhanced the rotational behavior produced by a second injection of AMPH given 3–4 weeks later in intact female, ovariectomized female and castrated male rats. The effect of AMPH pretreatment in intact males differed from that in the other groups. When only 7–8 days separated the two test sessions both intact male and female rats showed sensitization of rotational behavior, but the magnitude of the change was greater in females. In addition, a single injection of 1.25 mg/kg of AMPH in vivo produced a long-lasting (3–5 weeks) enhancement of AMPH-stimulated DA release from striatal tissue in vitro. It is suggested that: (1) repeated injections of AMPH are not necessary to produce a long-lasting facilitation of behaviors mediated by the mesostriatal DA system; (2) gender and/or hormonal state influences the development of long-term changes in the mesostriatal DA system; and (3) changes in DA release from presynaptic terminals may contribute to the behavioral sensitization produced by stimulant drugs. The phenomena reported here may provide complementary in vitro and in vivo models for studying neuroplasticity in brain DA systems.
Keywords:long-term facilitation   amphetamine   rotational behavior   striatal dopamine
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