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引用本文:张奇凤,丁树良,范玫玫,辛锐铭,康海宁,曾列丹,罗芬. 中成药中无机元素标准制订方法的研究[J]. 中国新药杂志, 2004, 13(7): 622-625
作者姓名:张奇凤  丁树良  范玫玫  辛锐铭  康海宁  曾列丹  罗芬
作者单位:1. 南昌大学应用化学研究所,南昌,330047
2. 江西师范大学计算机科学技术学院,南昌,330027
3. 江西省药物研究所,南昌,330029
摘    要:
目的:获得中成药中无机元素的限量标准.方法:采用对应分析法对乌鸡白凤丸等中成药中的4种无机元素(Cu,Zn,Co,Fe)的化学分析数据进行聚类,并用人工神经网络法进行验证.结果:应用此2种方法均可将种类不同的中成药明显分开,并找出根据无机元素所分类作为研究对象的乌鸡白凤丸样本,用区间估计法获得了乌鸡白凤丸中Cu,Zn,Co,Fe 4种无机元素的限量标准.结论:对应分析法和人工神经网络法用于中成药的分类和区间估计法用于中成药的限量标准制订是可行的.

关 键 词:中成药  无机元素  限量标准

Methodology on the quantification of inorganic elements in Chinese Traditional Medicines
ZHANG Qi-feng,DING Shu-Hang,FAN Mei-mei,XIN Rui-ming,KANG Hai-ning,ZENG Lie-dan,LUO Fen. Methodology on the quantification of inorganic elements in Chinese Traditional Medicines[J]. Chinese Journal of New Drugs, 2004, 13(7): 622-625
Authors:ZHANG Qi-feng  DING Shu-Hang  FAN Mei-mei  XIN Rui-ming  KANG Hai-ning  ZENG Lie-dan  LUO Fen
Objective:To optimize the limited quantity standard for inorganic elements in Chinese Traditional Medicines. Methods: Correspondence analysis (CA) was used to categorize data obtained from the analysis of four kinds of inorganic elements (Cu,Zn,Co,Fe) existed in some Chinese Traditional Medicines,such as Wuji Baifeng Wan. The artificial neural network (ANN) was used to verify the analytic data from the CA. Results:Both CA and ANN could be used to categorize varieties of Chinese Traditional Medicines, and detect the Wuji Baifeng Wan samples based on the data categorized the inorganic elements. Moreover, the interval estimate was used to set up the limited quantity standard for four kinds of inorganic elements (Cu,Zn,Co,Fe) in Wuji Baifeng Wan. Conclusion:CA and ANN were useful tools to classify Chinese Traditional Medicines, and the interval estimate was feasible in optimization of the limited quantity standard for Chinese Traditional Medicines.
Keywords:Chinese Traditional Medicines  inorganic element  limited quantity standard
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