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引用本文:宁艳,李雨波,柴燕,李莉,胡桃,王德臣,李洁,孔浩南,胡俊峰. 宁夏贫困地区农民重点传染病预防知识、行为与技能现状调查研究[J]. 疾病控制杂志, 2012, 16(1): 28-31
作者姓名:宁艳  李雨波  柴燕  李莉  胡桃  王德臣  李洁  孔浩南  胡俊峰
作者单位:1. 中国健康教育中心(卫生部新闻宣传中心)指导与评价部,北京,100011
2. 宁夏回族自治区健康教育所,宁夏 银川,750001
3. 宁夏医学杂志编辑部,宁夏 银川,750001
摘    要:目的 了解宁夏贫困地区农民的重点传染病预防相关知识、行为、技能现状,并分析存在的问题.方法 根据文献资料确定重点传染病的种类.采用多阶段抽样的方法,选取宁夏贫困地区农民作为调查对象,用自行设计的调查问卷进行现场流行病学调查,观察其相关行为的操作情况.结果 共凋查2000人.汉族农民对乙型肝炎、肺结核与细菌性痢疾3种重点传染病预防知识的知晓率分别为18.27%、24.20%和4.94%,高于回族农民的9.66%、16.36%和1.88%(均有P<0.05).重点传染病预防相关行为方面,“咳嗽或打喷嚏时掩口鼻”行为的形成率最低,为14.00%;回族农民“饭前洗手”、“便后洗手”、“将痰吐到卫生纸/痰盂里”、“开窗通风”、“消灭蚊蝇”行为的形成率分别为33.35%、34.42%、32.10%、23.26%和31.47%,高于汉族农民的28.89%、29.14%、30.37%、16.05%和23.21%(均有P< 0.05).阅读能力方面,参与答题者的阅读能力平均得分为(3.16±1.24)分.行为操作方面,汉族农民“测量体温”、“咳嗽吐痰”和“洗手”行为的平均得分分别为(4.43±3.97)、(2.45±2.10)和(4.89±1.33)分,回族农民的平均得分分别为(3.50±3.57)、(3.01±1.85)和(5.38±1.46)分,两者的差别有统计学意义(均有P< 0.001);3种行为各步骤均操作正确者分别占11.70%、33.80%和0.50%.结论 宁夏贫困地区农民重点传染病预防知识缺乏,预防技能有待提高,且预防知识与技能水平存在民族差异.应加大贫困农村地区预防重点传染病的健康教育工作力度,强化技能培训,提高健康教育工作的针对性.

关 键 词:贫困区  传染病  流行病学研究

Status of knowledge, behavior and skills on major infectious diseases prevention among rural residents in poverty areas of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region
NING Yan , LI Yu-bo , CHAI Yan , LI Li , HU Tao , WANG De-chen , LI Jie , KONG Hao-nan , HU Jun-feng. Status of knowledge, behavior and skills on major infectious diseases prevention among rural residents in poverty areas of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region[J]. Chinese Journal of Disease Control and Prevention, 2012, 16(1): 28-31
Authors:NING Yan    LI Yu-bo    CHAI Yan    LI Li    HU Tao    WANG De-chen    LI Jie    KONG Hao-nan    HU Jun-feng
Affiliation:..Division of Monitoring and Evaluation,Chinese Center for Health Education(Health News and Communication Center,Ministry of Health),Beijing 100011,China;2.Ningxia Institute for Health Education,Yinchuan 750001,China;3.Editorial Office of Ningxia Medical Journal,Yinchuan 750001,China
Abstract:Objective To investigate the status of knowledge, behavior and skills related to major infectious diseases prevention among rural residents in poverty areas of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,and to explore the main problems.Methods Major infectious diseases were determined according to literature.Multi-stage sampling was used to select the subjects.Questionnaire survey was conducted using questionnaire designed by the team of the project,practising of major infectious diseases-related behaviors were also observed among rural residents in poverty areas of Ningxia.Results A total of 2 000 subjects were recruited.The awareness rates of knowledge about hepatitis B,tuberculosis and bacillary dysentery prevention were higher among Han farmers than Hui farmers(18.27% vs 9.66%,24.20% vs 16.36% and 4.94% vs 1.88% respectively).Regarding major infectious diseases-related behaviors,"covering mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing" was reported in only 14.00% of the subjects."Washing hands before eating","washing hands after using the bathroom","spitting into cuspidor","ventilating" and "exterminating mosquitoes and flies" were more often practised by Hui farmers than Han farmers(33.35% vs 28.89%,34.42% vs 29.14%,32.10% vs 30.37%,23.26% vs 16.05% and 31.47% vs 23.21% respectively).As for reading,the average score was 3.16±1.24 for those respondents.Concerning behavior practising,the average scores of "measure temperature","coughing and spitting" and "washing hands" were statistically different between Han and Hui farmers(4.43±3.97 vs 3.50±3.57,2.45±2.10 vs 3.01±1.85 and 4.89±1.33 vs 5.38±1.46 respectively).There were respectively 11.70%,33.80% and 0.50% of the subjects who practised all the steps of the three behaviors correctly.Conclusions The rural residents in poverty areas of Ningxia lack knowledges, behaviors and skills about major infectious diseases prevention,and national difference can be found in these knowledges and skills.Health education of major infectious diseases prevention should be strengthened in rural poverty areas,with skill training facilitating behavior changes emphasized and pertinence enhanced.
Keywords:Poverty areas  Communicable diseases  Epidemiologic studies
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