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Heterotopic pregnancies after in-vitro fertilization and embryo transfer--a Danish survey
Authors:Svare, J.   Norup, P.   Thomsen, S. Grove   Hornnes, P.   Maigaard, S.   Helm, P.   Petersen, K.   Andersen, A.Nyboe
Affiliation:1The University Departments of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Herlev Hospital Ebeltoft, Denmark 2The University Departments of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Odense Hospital Ebeltoft, Denmark 3The University Departments of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Rigshospitalet Ebeltoft, Denmark 4The University Departments of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Aarhus Municipal Hospital Ebeltoft, Denmark 5The University Departments of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Copenhagen Fertility Clinic, Frederiksberg Ebeltoft, Denmark 6The University Departments of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The Mermaid Clinic Ebeltoft, Denmark
Abstract:Thirteen cases of heterotopic pregnancy were diagnosed among1171 pregnancies established in Denmark after in-vitro fertilizationand embryo transfer (IVF-ET). Thus the frequency of heterotopicpregnancy was 13/1171 or 1.1%. In five cases the diagnosis ofheterotopic pregnancy was made by ultrasound at 6–9 weeksof gestation; three of these patients were asymptomatic, whiletwo patients presented with abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding.All these patients had an unruptured ectopic pregnancy. Eightcases were diagnosed at the time of surgery; all these patientspresented with abdominal pain. Only two of the 13 patients hadvaginal bleeding. In nine of the 13 cases the intra-uterinepregnancy resulted in term delivery, while one pregnancy isongoing. In pregnancies following IVF-ET, this diagnosis shouldparticularly be considered in cases with abdominal pain; vaginalbleeding may be absent. Ultrasound examination may lead to earlydiagnosis even in asymptomatic cases. In most cases, removalof the ectopic gestation will allow the intrauterine pregnancyto proceed to term.
Keywords:frequency/heterotopic pregnancy/IVF-ET
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