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作者姓名:何智明  叶少梅  宫海云
摘    要:<正> 针刺足三里穴对胃肠道运动功能的影响较大,表现为兴奋性效应,和兴奋或抑制性效应,即调整作用。但是否存在穴位特异性,尚值得进一步探讨。本文以胃电图和肠鸣音为针刺效应指标,采用针刺提插补泻手法,观察不同经穴的针刺效应。方法一、体表胃电图记录方法使用RM-46型四导生理记录仪描记,时间常数为2秒,高频滤波为100赫,并联22微法电容,纸速60毫米/分。采用单极引导法。体表电极用一对氯化银电极,记录电极置于受试者腹壁左乳头与脐连线中点,此

Abstract:The motive function of the stomach and intestine can be effected by acupuncture of point Zusanli, showing excitation or inhibition. But the problem about the specificity of acupoint effects needs to be studied and discussed. In this paper, using electrogastrogram(EGG) and the intesti nal gurgling sound as index, the acupuncture effects of different points were observed with manipulations of reinforcing and reducing. 1. EGG was recorded in 38 parients with asthenia of the spleen and stomach, in 20 cases of the reinforcing group, the amplitudes of EGG were increased dominantly and in 18 cases of the reducing group, their amplitudes were lowered. It was shown that both the reinforcing and redu- cing manipulations was able to induce different acupuncture effects 2. The intestinal gurgling sound of 256 petients with asthenia of the spleen and stomach was observed. In the reinforcing group, 86 of 105 ca- ses were decreased (81. 9%), but 19 cases were increased (18. 1%), showing the decrease is main. In the reducing group, 67 of 151 cases were increased (44. 4%), but 84 cases were decreased (55. 6%). The number of cases with increase of the intestinal gurgling sound in the reducing group were much more than the reinforcing group with statistical significance (P <0. 01). 3. EGG of 79 patients with asthenia of the spleen and stomach were observed. The average difference in the amplitude of EGG between pre- and post-acuptincture in the Zusanli group was 58. 4mV, with statistical sig- nificance. In the Yanglingquan group, the non-point group, and the con- trol group, it was 8.2, 6.5 and -5.7 respectively, with no statistical sig- nificance. The results indicated that acupuncture of Zusanli produced a remarked effect on the amplitude of EGG. 4. The intestinal gurgling sound of 54 patients with asthenia of the spleen and stomach was observed. The intestinal gurgling sound in Zusanli group were decreased mainly, the mean of frequency were decreased 34. 29%, with significant statistical differenct. While in rhe Yanglingquan group and the control group had no obvious change of the intestinal gurgling sound. It was suggested that acupuncture of Zusanli induced a remarked effect on the intestinal gurgling sound. Manipulations of the reinforcing and reducing may induce different acupuncture effect. The method of reinforcing induced the response of vasodi- lation, but the reducing method induced the response of vasoconstruction. The reinforcing method produced a increase of the intestinal movement, but the reducing method reduced its movement. In the experiment it was found that the reinforcing method increased the amplitude of EGG and de- creased the intestinal gurgling sound: but the reducing method decreased the amplitude and increased the intestinal gurgling. These results provide the selection of acupuncture manipulation for study of acupuncture regula- ting the function of the solid and hollow organ. In this study the patients were diagnosed as pepticulcer, chronic gas- tritis and chronic non-specific colitis with the gastroscopy and the sigmoi- doscopy, and the reingorcing method was used. Some one considered that the effect of Zusanli is non-specific for the intestinal movement, but most results indicated that there was a certain specificity in the effect of acupuncture of Zusanli on the movement of the stomach and the intestine. Recent years, in the study of EGG, it has been reported that Carba- chol which potentiates stomach peristalion may increase the amplitude of slow wave of the superficial EGG; But Atropin which inhibites the stomach peristaltion may decrease the amplitude of slow wave of the superficial EGG. It is suggested that the slow wave of the surperficial EGG can re- flect the function of the stomach movement to some extent. In this expe- riment it was observed that acupuncture of Zusanli produced a significant increase (P<0.05) in the slow wave of EGG. But acupuncture of Yangling- quan and non-point did not induce any change of the slow wave. Acupun- cture of Zusanli also induced a significant influence on the intestinal gurg- ling sound. But effect on it was not produced when Yanglingquan and control was stimulated. These results indicated that acupuncture of Zusanli is able to regulate the function of stomach and intestine movement, and it has a certain specificity.
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