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引用本文:许勇镇. 阮诗玮辨治咳嗽经验[J]. 河南中医, 2017, 37(8). DOI: 10.16367/j.issn.1003-5028.2017.08.0480
摘    要:阮师临证治咳,常备十一法,实证治有八法:(1)辛温散邪法,适于冬日风寒犯卫咳嗽者;(2)辛凉解表法,用于春日风热犯肺致咳者,临证对于风热咳嗽轻症,多用辛凉轻剂桑菊饮;(3)清热涤暑法,用于夏日暑温犯肺、肺络不通而咳者,常兼暑伤气津之症,选方清络饮;(4)润燥止咳法,适用于秋季外燥犯肺或内生燥热咳嗽,多兼见诸窍不利,或伴表证;(5)清化湿热法,适用于长夏湿温犯肺者,常兼见湿邪困表之证,常选用吴塘上焦宣痹汤;(6)清利少阳法,适用于邪犯少阳,三焦不利,饮逆犯肺者,此多伴见少阳证侯;(7)温化解表法,适用于外寒内饮或痰饮内伏,饮逆射肺而咳者;(8)解表通腑法,适用于风热壅盛,腑实内结,上下郁闭而咳者。虚证者,(1)培补卑监法,适用于久咳脾虚痰湿内盛者;(2)养阴润肺法,适用于久病咳嗽,气阴亏耗,失于清降者;(3)补肾摄纳法,方用冯氏全真一气汤,临证对于咳久作喘,肾虚失纳者,颇具功用。

关 键 词:咳嗽  辛温散邪法  辛凉解表法  清热涤暑法  润燥止咳法  清化湿热法  清利少阳法  温化解表法  解表通腑法  培补卑监法  养阴润肺法  补肾摄纳法  阮诗玮

Ruan Shi-wei's Experience of Treating Cough
XU Yong-zhen. Ruan Shi-wei's Experience of Treating Cough[J]. Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2017, 37(8). DOI: 10.16367/j.issn.1003-5028.2017.08.0480
Authors:XU Yong-zhen
Abstract:In terms of treating cough,Professor Ruan usually adopts the following 11 methods,and including 8 for treating excess syndrome.①method of eliminating pathogenic factor with drugs of pungent taste and warm nature:It is suitable for patients with cough attacked bv winter wind and cold.②method of relieving exterior syndrome with drugs of pungent taste and cold nature:It is suitable for patients with cough due to spring wind and heat attacking the lung.For light case,Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum Beverage can be used.③ method of clearing heat and removing summer-heat:It is suitable for patients with cough attacked by summer heat leading to blocking lung meridians,often combined with summer heat hurting qi and fluid.Channel-Clearing Beverage is often used.④method of moisturizing lung to arrest cough:It is suitable for patients with cough due to autumn dryness attacking the lung or dry heat generating inside the body,often combined with blocked orifices or exterior syndrome.⑤method of clearing heat and dissipating damp:It is suitable for patients with cough due to long summer's damp and heat attacking the lung,often combined with pathogenic damp lingering in interior.Professor Ruan usually adopts Wutang Upper-jiao Dissipating Lung Decoction.⑥method of removing shaoyang syndrome:It is suitable for patients with cough due to pathogenic factors attacking shaoyang meridian leading to disorder of san-jiao and hurting the lung,often combined with shaoyang syndrome.⑦method of relieving exterior syndrome by warming:It is suitable for patients with cough due to exogenous cold and interior retention attacking the lung.⑧method of relieving exterior syndrome to dredge fu organs:It is suitable for patients with cough due to excessive wind and heat leading to constipation and stagnation up and down.In terms of treating deficient syndrome:①method of nourishing deficient spleen:It is suitable for patients with long-time cough due to excessive phlegm and damp.②method of nourishing yin and moisturizing lung:It is suitable for patients with long-time cough due to chronic disease leading to deficient qi and yin failing to descending qi.③method of nourishing the kidney:It is suitable for patients with long-time cough and asthma leading to the kidney's disorder.Family Feng Quanzhen Yiqi Decoction (FFQZYQD) is often used and has a very good effect.
Keywords:cough  method of eliminating pathogenic factor with drugs of pungent taste and warm nature  method of relieving exterior syndrome with drugs of pungent taste and cold nature  method of clearing heat and removing summer-heat  method of moisturizing lung to arr
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