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引用本文:徐霞. 从“脾阴虚”论治小儿便秘[J]. 河南中医, 2017, 37(8). DOI: 10.16367/j.issn.1003-5028.2017.08.0490
摘    要:小儿"阴常不足、脾常不足",小儿便秘多因脾阴不足所致,脾阴不足则脾之运化功能不足,使脾主运化水湿及水谷精微的能力失调,水湿津液得不到正常的输布,使肠道干涩及肠道内容物艰涩难下而致便秘,同时脾主升清的功能失调,脾不升清则胃失和降,脾胃气机升降失调,加之脾之运化功能不足,气机无力推动肠道内容物的正常运行而致便秘。所谓治病求因,故小儿便秘当从"脾阴虚"论治。同样便秘的治疗也在于调理脾胃,脾健则便秘调。在临床中通过滋阴健脾、行气通便治疗小儿脾阴不足型便秘常常能收到较为理想的疗效。

关 键 词:便秘  “脾阴虚”  小儿

Pediatric Constipation Treated from the Aspect of "Spleen Yin Deficiency"
XU Xia. Pediatric Constipation Treated from the Aspect of "Spleen Yin Deficiency"[J]. Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2017, 37(8). DOI: 10.16367/j.issn.1003-5028.2017.08.0490
Authors:XU Xia
Abstract:Children are often deficient in yin and spleen.Pediatric constipation is mostly due to insufficiency of spleen yin.Spleen yin deficiency induces hypofunction of transportation and transformation of the spleen,malfucntion of spleen to transport and transform water dampness and food essence.The failure of normal distribution of water dampness and body fluid causes dry intestinal tract and substances in the intestine difficult to go downward and finally constipation occurs.Simultaneously,the dysfunction of the spleen to ascend the lucidity will result in stomach failing to descend.Irregular ascending and descending of qi movement of spleen and stomach combined with hypofunction of the spleen to transport and transform,qi is too weak to promote the substances in the intestine to move and thus induces constipation.According to the theory of seeking the root cause during the treatment of a disease,pediatric constipation should be treated from the aspect of "spleen yin deficiency".The treatment of constipation lies in the regulation of the spleen and stomach in that strengthened spleen helps regulate constipation.In clinical practice,the methods of nourishing yin and strengthening the spleen,moving qi and promoting defecation can often achieve ideal therapeutic effects on pediatric constipation due to spleen yin deficiency.
Keywords:constipation  "  spleen yin deficiency"    pediatric
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