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引用本文:杨宜弟,张龙生,陈文静,沈继云,吴熙瑞. 早孕期绒毛和蜕膜的组织化学观察[J]. 生殖与避孕, 1981, 0(1)
作者姓名:杨宜弟  张龙生  陈文静  沈继云  吴熙瑞
摘    要:111例正常早孕人工流产的胎盘组织作绒毛蜕膜组织化学观察。蜕膜细胞,富于糖元,碱性磷酸酶多呈阳性或弱阳性,酸性磷酸酶多数阴性或弱阳性,少数阳性。3β-HSD弱阳性,蜕膜腺体弯曲呈锯齿状,腺体壁呈扇形,有时细胞向内突出如鞋钉状,腔内充满分泌物,糖元强阳性,对维持早期妊娠是一个重要营养条件。早期妊娠绒毛具有完整两层滋养层,即合体滋养层及细胞滋养层,60天后则细胞滋养层逐步消失,绒毛大小不等,胎儿血管扩大并移向绒毛表面,从而使胎儿-母体胎盘屏障变薄,有利于胎儿-母体的物质交换,是适应胚胎发育的一个重要条件。早孕期绒毛组织化学检查显示绒毛两层细胞糖元和碱性磷酸酶活性都很强,反映代谢机能活跃,细胞滋养层胞浆酸性磷酸酶活性60—90天逐渐加强,这应与此时期细胞滋养层退化有关。3β-HSD 在甾体生物合成过程中起重要作用,绒毛滋养层细胞3β-HSD皆为阳性,表明具有甾体生物合成机能。着床、早孕过程中,绒毛、蜕膜是母体-胚胎直接接触和相互联系的两种组织,从计划生育角度,在发展抗着床、抗早孕药物研究工作中,对于蜕膜、绒毛形态和机能的研究应当受到重视。

Abstract:A histochemical study of placental and decidual tissue from 111 cases of early pregnancy was reported.The decidua cells were rich in glycogen,showing anegative or weakly positive of alkaline phosphatase and acid phosphatase.Slight-ly positive activities of 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase were generally seen.The endometrial glands were markedly fortuous with saw-teeth appearance orscalloped wall formed,some cells had shoe-nail configuration.The glandluminawere filled with excreted materials,which showed positive PAS reaction.Thisphenomenon apparently a nutritive condition supporting the early pregnancy.The placental villi in early pregnancy revealed a dual covering of syncytio-trophoblast and cytotrophoblast after day 60 of gestation,the cytotrophoblast di-sappeared gradually,the villi varied in size,many fetal blood vessels dilated andmigrated to the surface of villi,so that the feto-maternal barrier became thinningand is advantageous to the exchange of substances between fetal and maternalbodies.T histochemical observations of placental villi during early pregnancy revealed a strongly positive reaction of glycogen and alkaline phosphatase activity.It is an index of active metabolism of syncytiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblastof the villi.The acid phosphatase activity of cytotrophoblast increasing graduallyday 60 to 9o of gestation may be related to the involution of the trophoblast cellsin this stage.The 3β-HSD plays an important role in the steroid biosynthesis,and thetrophoblast of placental villi revealed a postive 3β-HSD reaction.It seemsreasonable to conclude,that the trophoblasts possess a biosynthetic ability forsteroids.The placental villi and decidua are tissues contributing to the contact andconnection between fetal and maternal bodies during implantation and earlypregnancy.From the point of view of family planning,as well as of developingnew drugs for anti-implantation and early abortifacients,the research of morpho-logy and function of placental villi and decidua should be emphasized.
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